I am feeling mellow tonight and still a little tired from my posting frenzy at my other blog. Blame it on the gloomy weather or me overworking but I spent most of last weekend catching up on much-needed rest and sleep, watching TV and lazing around playing PC Games!
And right now, I am in the mood for some Lifehouse and this one of course goes out to my darling B. I especially love the words to this song. Read them and weep!

Here's wishing all my readers a lovely Music Monday.
Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LJL Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 238 of 238 Newer› Newest»>:o >:o :'(
:* :* :* :*
wakey wakey! :-D
Wakey2 Mon!!!
I've to delete all the comments in my mailbox coz it's flooded la...lol
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Cry by James Blunt
and the same time, i'm so scared if i missed your "announcement"....hahhahah
Recent blog post: Music Monday - Cry by James Blunt
Sokay Mon, delete away he he!!!! GG chasing me there huhuhuhu! Been running from her whole morning lol!
Ha ha ha don worry dearie! No announcement yet! Will surely let u know if got announcement he he!
Eh u oso got no announcement yet kan? ;)
LOL....go study GG! :-D
ahhh okok... I'll wait....hahaha.....
He he he GG go to the lab and experiment he he!!! Early in the morning oredi kena kejar GG lol!!
hahaha yeah I saw GG kejar u la!
gagay (239) Mariuca (187) Jean (10) Twinks (9) Shemah (7) foongpc (4) levian (4) ayie (3) Rozella (3) Ane (2)
Wait la that GG….go to sleep tonight then watch me go he he he!
LOL! GG must sleep early coz she has to go to school :-)
haha...me no announcement yet Mariuca :-D
She won sleep early one that GG he he! GG study tonight kay? No need to drop all he he!!
hahahahah.... so cute la Mariuca asked GG no need to drop all :-D
Ha ha ha! You hear me GG? Just study away, he heh e!!!
He he me too no announcement Mon! ;)
couldn't get MM done this week :'(
look at that list Mariuca =-O
I'll be back next Monday though ;)
have a great Tuesday :*
Recent blog post: Starry Starry Night
Hi Mon! I voted for you on Best blogs on blogspot! :) :*
Mariuca i just came back from KFC....lol....
chopping time!!!!!!!
I only have 2?! WTF?! What happened????
2 what Ane??
wow Marzie, Congrats for this award! :) :*
eh, what's that best blogs on blogspot? i want to vote for mon too!!
vote for me too Jean! :) :*
ok, Ane, i want to vote. Where?
here's the link Jean:
I voted for Monica, because I didn't think it would be right to vote for
myself! :D lol!
Ane!!! thanks for the link coz I couldn't find it....lol
I wanna vote for you too!! how??
Just click on whatever blog you want to vote for Mon! ;)
me too kim
Dropped ec here aldy! :* :* :*
hello! ;)
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Hey there!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!