I loved Jennifer Hudson's performance on American Idol last week and she looked so good too! In fact she looked skinnier than Kelly Clarkson who also performed a few shows back!

Anyway, I really wanted to feature her guest star performance at Idol for this week's Music Monday. I thought Jennifer was spectacular but I could not find a clear version of the video so we'll make do with this one here okay? Jennifer's solid performance convinced me to immediately fall in love with her song. Apparently this number is Jennifer's personal favourite too!

Take a listen and let me know your thoughts. I love Jennifer Hudson and despite all the hardship and heartbreaks she went through last year, I hope things will only get better for her, starting with this fantastic second single from her self-titled debut album.

If This Isn't Love lyrics
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Yihaa!!!! FC FC FC..loL!
LJ FC1 here too! Wah conquering it seems LJ! ;)
GP! I can't watch the video.. i see blank lah :(
Ok got it.. am listening now..
LJ, so sad MPG didn make it to the top 10 MM list this week! :(
ooohhhh.. i like lah the song.. and yes.. hope all goes well for her this year.. cian lah her kan?
yeah la, marzie! LJ is speedy tonight! :)
Is it LJ? Lemme refresh and see! :(
blessedly, i pun ada linky love!! :* :* :*
thanks, marzie!! Love ya!!! :* :* :*
LOL! Jean FC2 again! Oso double chop for u tonight! :)
Oh phew! LOL! Happy listening. :)
YAY, love this song la dearie! Of coz la cian to da max, so happy she’s a millionaire now, menang Oscar and grammy some more, go Jen go! :)
I think LJ is da big winner tonight, chopping everywhere, good show LJ! :)
Ha ha u oso ada linky love Jean! Which blog today eh? :)
Welcome jean, happy MM! :)
LJ, which blog here today?
She has a great voice Marzie. Yeah she has been through a lot but she is going strong i have respect for her. :)
Woo hoo Bill FC3! Congrats! :)
I think she has an amazing voice too Bill, and am so happy things are working out well for her! :)
FC3 oso I didn't get! Stupid slow TF! :'( :'( :'( :'(
hahahahaha i did not even pay attention to that. i was just jumping around listening to the music LOL. Thanks Marzie
Oh no hugsy wugsy for Debbs!!! Yeah *** post la sweetie, more hugs! :)
LJC dearie.. Muahs!!
yihaa.. LJ is back on track..lol!!
That makes your chop all the more sweeter Bill, congrats! :)
Congrats everyone! Lol!! I'll be back to listen to it later yah, GP! Now wanna DL something. Hehe O:-) O:-) O:-)
:'( :'( :'( :'(
I love la LJC’s badge! Will happily put her up then!
come come we sedih together debbs! FC3 pun tak dapat.. nevermind.. you come over MSE to be my FC.. LOL!
I love this song my Jennifer Hudson la Marzie! such a beautiful song!! :) :) Me likey.. ;)
Lol! It's ok la GP! Lol!!
Later then Debbs! :)
At MSE oso didn't get la Shem! I laik JPP and TAF cuz owez get FC there lol!!!
Hugsy Shemah, u missed my *** post! :(
I oso wan to chop at MSE if it’s not too late, nak watch DVD ni lol!
YAY! Best kan this song Shemah? I pun terus had to feature this week, been listening all week lol! ;)
Hahahaha a'ahh.. but at JPP bill dah 3 points ahead of you, you know! LOL!
But either 2/3 more posts coming up at MSE.. fast quick ones..
Oohhh. .what dvd you watching?
Aiyooooo tempting me la u Shemah, cepat la post!!
Weeds, Shemah! Baru beli smlm lol!! Lazy la wan to DL!
Yalah.. especially when you missed a lot of seasons.. might as well just
buy! :-)
Hahaha I'll be posting in a couple of minutes.. a little bit more..
Yeah, went dvd shopping la last night yay!
Ok stalking now! ;)
Bill, stop chopping at JPP lol!!
Hahahahaa.. so predictable lah my posting time at JPP! I have to change it..
but I write best around that time! LOL!
:'( :'( :'( :'(
Awesome song pick Marzie! Jennifer Hudson proved herself not only as a great singer but as an actress as well.. :)
hey Debbs! :* :* :*
Hey Shemah! :* :* :*
Howdy Bill! 8-) 8-)
Hey LJ, congrats! 8-) wow, you're everywhere tonight! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Hi Jean! :* :* :* :* :*
She is a talented girl and seems to be so strong. May she always be strong :)
Recent blog post: Welcome to FeedBurner
Same here Laura. I think Jen has been pretty strong to endure what she did last year, I hope only good things come her way from now on. :)
LJ got double chop at my blogs tonight, thanks LJ! ;)
Thank you Ane, glad u love my selection this week. This song is playing in my head over and over again… :)
Hugsy Ane, tissue? :)
Wat time u post at JPP Shemah? Missed the chop obviously. :(
It's a nice song Marzie, I'm not surprised why it's stuck in your head. :-D
Yes tissue please! :'(
Oh Jennifer is really having awesome voices she sings wonderful. First entry is up.
Mariuca!! :* :*
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: No one is going home!
wakey wakey...lol :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: No one is going home!
lemme listen to this song first :-P
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: No one is going home!
nice song mariuca!!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Malaysian Dreamgirl 2: No one is going home!
Mon! I wakey wakey edi but just now no electricity, so tensi I tell you! Some more so hot and so dark and couldn’t do anything! :(
Happy listening Mon! :)
Monica! I just wakey wakey u oso at TUO lol!
Thanks Mon, I love this song la, my new fave lol!
Hi Gengen, thanks dear! Will check out your selection too from the MM list. Happy Monday! :)
Scented tissue from MPG just for Ane! Hugs! :)
It is a nice song Ane, I really liked Jennifer’s performance on Idol, she looked so good! Love her straight hair la!
I'm listening to danny's endless love now ....lol
How do u like danny’s EL Mon? :)
not bad but I also still prefer the original version by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross la mariuca...hahahaa..
great music you've got here MAurica....
YAY! Me too Mon! I like Danny’s version and all that, but I feel it’s not as moving as the original, the ori gives me goosebumps la, so wow! :)
Yoohoo ladies!! Hi marzie.. hi mon.. ;) I also love the ori! Nothing beats
the ori especially when you've got superpowers like Lionel Richie and Di
Ross singing it.. :-) :-)
U too Shemah?? YAY! True, nothing beats the ori even MC’s versi can’t beat the ori for me. So good job to Danny but me still wan Lionel and Diana! :)
Happy MM Nova, thank you for listening to my selection! :)
Yaaa.. true lah! MC's version pun cannot beat the ori!! Btw, endless love is
like one of J's paling favoritestest songs! :-)
Im so gonna make B play EL on the piano for me la! Release stress from my situasi today Shemah lol!!!
hehe, yay for me!!! :) Double joy, marzie!!!! :)
haha.. yeah, marzie! LJ was speedy last night! :)
Finally can listen to your song, GP! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: 012 - Lighted Tealight Candle
any which one marzie! thanks for choosing TGB to feature here! :)
Very nice la this song, Marzie! I love her voice! :) 8-)
Recent blog post: 011 - Gunung Senyum, Pahang
Double joy indeed woman and noticed I changed TGB’s badge to the new one? YAY!
yay yay!! Happy MM, marzie!! :)
Yeah at Diya’s oso she got the chop, congrats SSG!!!
Yay, enjoy Jennifer Hudson today Debbs! :)
Jean! I checked my older posts and AGP was last featured, so now TGB’s turn. Then I featured AGP at WOAFS! Double chop mah! :)
Yay! I oso love her voice Debbs and the idol versi was really amazing, goosebumps gitu! :)
Wuaahhh B terror pinano eh Marzie? Oooohhh bestnya!! I've always wanted to
learn how to play piano. Now the only keys I play is on the keyboard..
chatting on JS!! LOL!
He plays by ear some more Shemah, so can happily ask him to play whatever I wan ha ahha! But the fella kena ikut mood la, then only her plays the piano. Last time I asked him to play samson’s bukan diriku for me, aiyo…………. Fall in love all over again la! :):):)
hahhahhaha....goosebumps?! so funny la u mariuca :-D
Hi shemah!! ;-)
Hi Ane! :* :* :* :*
He he! Can feel the words and song Monica, hence the goosebumps lol!
Awwww.. so sweet!! :-) so talented lah B! :-) :-)
I love her!
She's great.
Jeniffer Hudson rocks, thanks for stopping by Harriet! :)
I jelesi oso B can play the piano and I can’t Shemah, but of course love his talent, and love B too lol!
LOL! So best lah.. J cannot play anything.. not even the guitar. I think I
can play guitar better.. LOL!
U can play guitar Shemah? Wow! I bought la a guitat konon wan to play masa study kat US, obviously it became a white elephant muahahhahahah!
Hahahaah no lah .. I cannot play.. my brother taught me a couple of songs
and it's been years since I last played.. karat gila2.. LOL!
yes, i did notice, marzie!! thanks for your swift response!! you're da best!! :) :* :*
Recent blog post: International Bloggers Community
marzie, now only i got the chance to listen to the video! i rem who's she! but did not follow on her progress! great song!! :)
Recent blog post: International Bloggers Community
Yeah la coz I saw wow got new badge at TGB, terus grab ha ha!
Ha ha u remember Jean? U know right, her mom and bro and nephew got murdered last year? :’(
What happened to jen Hudson is sooo horrifying that no one can imagine how
hard it is to bounce back after 2 months.. if me I think 2 years pun tak
i like this song too. i got in on my cd in my car! l-o-v-e !!
this is definitely a great song. thanks for featuring it here. :)
Recent blog post: Learning Taekwondo
congrats for being my FC today. i'm here to grab your badge. good night and sweet dreams! :)
Recent blog post: Learning Taekwondo
Tu la!! So it’s the bro-in-law ke the suspect Shemah?
Yeah.. the bro in law it seems.. adakah patut.. just came out of prison kan
marzie.. terus2 dia buat macam tu.. if not mistaken lah.
yuuhoo shemah! :* :*
Yoohoo jeanie! :-)
lol marzie!! wow, a romantic night for u two then , marzie! rem to record down B while he plays the EL on piano, k! :)
Dats why and then killed the small boy tu yg tak tahan!!!! :(
ok, marzie! thanks for checking!! :)
Itu lah kan marzie.. apa lah salah budak tu kan?? Eee.. so psycho!! I think
dia nak guna ransom budak tu.. tapi terbunuh ke.. or dia dah takut dia leave
a trail.. so he just killed or something.. eee.. so sick and makes me sooo
I know Shemah! I mean why la why? And some more he’s family, which makes it all the more tragic!
hahaha.. thanks marzie!! you're such a great buddy!! love ya!! :) I love seeing the new TGB at MPG!! :* :*
Hugs LJ! :)
what??? i didnt know about that, marzie!!! oh gosh, that's a shocking finding!! and a sad one too!! :(
shemah, i didn;t know there was such a tragic story behind her. She's one strong lady. If me, 2 years also not enough also.
ohh.. so heartbreaking lar, marzie! now my heart is so sad for jen. :(
Very sad story Jean, it was all over the news! Poor Jen!
Exactly Jean! Dats why la pity her, cause just when she’s abt to savour her success, tragedy happened! :(
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Morning, Marzie :). You've got first commenter love on my blog. I love Jennifer Hudson's powerful voice. She's a great actress as well.
I just listened 1 min into the vid and I gotta say, she still has not lost the charm. I was just so horrified that she got booted out so early during that season's AI, I thought that she was so good and on par with the winner (what's her name? I forgot lol). This album does justice to her. :) :)
what's the motive of the killing, shem/ marzie?
i bet she must hv gone through weeks of sleepless nights. poor jen! *HUGZ* for jen! Hope she will stay strong and be comforted in knowing that her families are in heaven now.
wer was i? i hv completely missed out this! What happen to her bro-in-law? kena caught kah?
ahhh Mariuca ..I'm tooo busy this week to do MM....but I enjoyed listening to your song...gotta get back to the portrait painting =-O =-O
Recent blog post: Angels and Harlequins
Aww, how romantic, B playing the piano for you.. :) :) My B can't play any
instruments at all, so he makes up for it by writing songs, but not for me
though.. LOL he only wrote me 1 song and 1 poem so far, and we've been
together 9 years, although he says I'm his inspiration, so I guess that's
okay.. :)
LOL! haha Shemah, me too, the only thing I play is the keyboard chatting on
JS too! LOL I can play the piano but not that well.. :) I can listen to the
song a few times and I'd be able to play it on the piano, although I never
really had any formal piano lessons.. :)
eh Ane, yourB also romantic ma, composing a song & a poem for u! :) :)
Hi Jean! :) :* :* How are you feeling today? is your flu gone?
Jean! Her bro in law, is the suspect for the murders!!!! Heartpain or not???
Dunno Jean, maybe the BIL was high or something. But the point is the small boy was murdered aiyo!!!!
JL! She lost to Fantasia! But she still rocks eh? Love Jennifer Hudson la, so glad that she made her success after Idol! :)
YAY! FC for me Rosidah, thanks so much and thanks too for listening to my selection here! :)
Yeah, her batch had the most number of promising singers. I liked that year's AI. Fantasia was good too, just that AI could only have one winner. ;)
Vote, vote, vote!
Recent blog post: Spring Is In the Air at NJPAC in Newark, NJ
YAY, thanks for voting Roxy, love ya!
yay!! i miss my double chop, marzie! :) any new post at MPG tonight?
hi ane, thanks for asking. :) no, my flu is not gone yet. Apparently, she likes to stay with me & i am hving more sleepless nights now. :(
heartpain la marzie!! blessedly it is all over now! *HUGZ* for jen!
really dun understand la how can a person murder another person! *sigh* it's sickening la! :(
U missed the double chop Jean! New post coming out at WOAFS Jean, MPG relaxi taxi tonite! :)
Jean, I watch the FBI and crime shows on astro, do you? These ppl are sick! :(
All the best for Jen, dat’s right Jean! :)
eh marzie, your reply came in late at my inbox lar. I was here till 5am but didn't also receive this comment which you've commented on 3.37am. I was stalking at both yr blog after the football match. hehe!
i watch it sometimes when i catch it on tv at that particular moment, marzie. yeahlar, sickening these ppls. ><
;) marzie! (on All the best for jen)
Oh No Jean! are you taking meds? Hope you feel better soon Jean! :) hugs! :*
:* :*
Just one song and one poetry only Jean in 9 years, can you believe that?
it happened to me also mariuca ... the reply always came in late at my inbox.. is it becoz of i'm using yahoo or what?!
U mean JS Mon? Im using gmail and still receive late comments, so I don think it’s yahoo or gmail that’s causing this delay dearie.
Mon, late la comments arrived, am receiving ur comments now only! :(
yup I mean JS Mariuca! oh ok..so it's not becoz of yahoo or gmail that’s causing this delay la...
Yeah, delay usually is JS, I don think got anything to do with gmail or yahoo. Anyway today no problem, receiving all comments promptly.
Morning Mariuca. I always LOL nowadays when I open my yahoo. Yesterday I got 100 unread messages and most of them from JS. :-D
yes, Ane, I am taking meds, but it is still like that. I am trying a new medi now, hope it will works for my flu. :)
haha.. i do believe it, Ane! Some guys are really lost in words but I am sure B got yr heart captured in far better way! :)
What new meds are you taking, jean??
Morning JL! Get used to the email avalanche he hehe!
Waaah dealing with email avalanche for the first time ever Marzie!!
LOL enjoy your email avalanche, Ane!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!