Oh no! I fell asleep early last night, as early as 9.30pm, what say you to that? LOL!

So anyway, I completely missed the Music Monday midnight chopping sessions at all my favourite blogs so I thought I'd do Emila's super cool We Are The World Tag first and save my MM post for when I actually have a song in mind!

I am tagging Liza, Sandee, Fida, Tina, Ruby, Ayie, Martin, Bluedreamer, JL and Faizal to join me in this meme, come on peeps!
You do not have to be tagged to play along. The game is simple and so are the rules.
1. Copy from *Start Copy Here* through *End Copy Here*
2. Add your site(s) to the list. Just be sure to post at each site you add.
3. Tag as many bloggers as you like so the list keeps on growing.
4. Let me know your blog’s name and url by leaving me a comment HERE. I will add you to the master list.
5. Come back and copy the master list back to your site, often. This process will allow late-comers to get as much link benefit as the first ones in.
We Are The World Bloggers Master List:
1. Emila Yusof 2. The Other Side of Emila 3. Mariuca 4. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery 5. Meow Diaries 6. Unlisted One 7. Spiff, the Spaceman 8. My Sweet Escape 9. Nota Nurul 10. Life’s Tapestry 11. Spontaneous Insignificancy 12. LadyJava 13. Miss Igorota 14. AnnyBoo 15. Yoon See 16. Jia’s Life 17. Nessa’s Mumblings 18. Also Mommy 19. The Walk of Life 20.Pretty Firefly 21. Untouchable EARTH 22. Baterya 23. Comedy Plus 24. Bain Cardin 25. Strawberry Milkshake 26. Turn-U-Off 27. Jom Heboh Di Sini 28. Notes by Marvic 29. Memoir Mez 30.Origena 31.Walking Newspaper 32. Nurul Aqilah 33. Bluedreamer 34. Breaking the Boundaries 35. Life According to Me 36. A Great Pleasure 37. Time Goes By 38. Kancing itu Butang 39. In my Kitchen 41. Fyzal’s Territory 40. Wiggy’s World 40. A Simple Life 41. A Taxi Ride 42. Single Life of Me 43. Little Bits of Info 44. Ode to Adrienne 45. KMP 46. Mommy’s Little Corner 47. Wondermom 48. Tom’s Place 4 Well Whatever 49. Empty Streets 50. Crafty Heart 51. Phat Wallet 52. AtheAthirahTaha 53. Phat Woman 54. Off The Top Of My Head 55. Simple Happy Life 56. Moore Blog Life 57. Twisted Sister 58. Fickleminded 59. Sweet Nothings 60. Fida Abbot 61.Business Matters 62.5577 Studio 63. Embrace Life 64.KuE 65. Mom’s Special Diary 66. Her and History 67. Survivor: The Reality of My Life 68. Anything under the Sun 69. My Careless Whispers 70. Basic Bloganomics 71. Speedcat Hollydale 72.Housewife@Work 73. Unsolved Mysteries in the World 74. Pensive Thoughts 75.My Wedding Day 76.You’re next!

=-O =-O
:-P :-P :-P
phew.. still made it.. hahha
hujan lah sini.. GP.. so tak sempat nak kluar.. so still online.. yihaa!!!
it's okay marzie!! :) as long as you dah get your beauty sleep!! :)
Recent blog post: MM: Smack Into You - Jon McLaughlin*
:* :* :* :* :*
yoohoo LJ!! :) :) over here pun baru start hujan!
Ha ha ha Shemah!!! FC1! :)
Which blog here today Shemah? :)
U did it u stalker u! Hugs Shemah!
Oh yay LJ in da house!! Stalking me too LJ? YAY! FC2!
Which blog here today LJ? :)
Yay, I tot u dah takde screamyx today dearie, lucky got this chop then woo hoo!
Yay, I slept for hours Shemah, unsangkarable I can sleep tak sedar like dat ahaks! ;)
Oh here comes Debbs, hugsy Debbs! :)
Here tak hujan pun…. Come to me rain!
Hugsy Marzie! I need that hug after I burnt C's chicken soup just now. Still not over it! :(
May I have JPP here today?? :-) Thanks!!! :-)
Tak hujan there, GP? Here hujan lebat tadi hehe...now dah reda sikit..
Hahahaha yeaaahhh!! I managed to stalk and chop!! Padahal I tengah watch
Poor thing you tak tido how many days!! It's sooo good to finally get enough
rest and more ya?
Oh no hangus C’s chic soup Debbs? Hari tu pun I burnt something, keledek rebus I think….sampai kering the water oh no!
JPP it is then Shemah and hey, this chop secures ur number 2 spot on my FCSB, congrats! :)
Tak hujan la Debbs although…. I can hear thunder rumbling in the distance! ;)
*GP doing the rain dance*
Ohhhhhh B’s fave show la that one, asyik2 ghosthunters and every week oso he’ll miss it then complain hahahah, what time yeah and what day, do u know?
Come I also give you a hugsy wugs.. from me, buddy and allie!!! Poor you!!
Memang tu kan.. I hate throwing away good food made bad by me. :-(
Yeah Shemah! Dah la pi long distance trip on Sat, then balik tak tidur cause takut miss transformers, and then balik I tried keeping awake but fell asleep oso he he! :)
:'( :'(
my TF and TD aren't working! >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'(
U cooked the soup from scratch is it Debbs? CIan dia hangus, cannot salvage ke?
Oh no Ane! U missed this one! Hugsy! :)
Woohoo!! Number 2!! Hebatnyaa!! Padahal I feel dah berkurun tak chop here!!
Oh no, how come not working Ane? U didn get my tweet or u got it late? :(
More hugs for ANE! :)
Hahahaah I put it on my Microsoft outlook tu!! Ghosthunters every Wednesday
on 10pm, starworld!! LOL! if you want me to miss a chop, that is definitely
the day and time! I will leave everything to watch my ghosthunters.. yang ni
pun I tgk a bit from youtube.. LOL! high five B! got ghosthunters gang! LOL!
:-( :-( I always have my TD and my web working hand in hand.. I don't rely
on TF at all nowadays.. :-( :-( Hugsy ane!!
Haha. doing the rain dance GP.. eh rain stopping here.. perhaps dia dengar
you calling there!!
Wah GP.. 2 days no sleep.. no good too.. lucky you slept yesterday!
You were probably very tired dearie!
Yea to rain and another day of internet!!!
Yelah.. stalking to make my mark.. one more day jer ni
Hmm.. how about my food blog! Thanks dearie!
Tulah.. wohoo.. eh who's leading eh?
C cooked semalam and mmg from scratch, I thought nak panaskan, trus terforgot on the stove. :'( Nasib baik semalam dah makan for dinner. Mmg cannot salvage la. :"(
He he I tak byk post here at MPG this month sweetie but yeah TFC2! My TFC3 all tied with 2 points each! ;)
Hahaahah.. nasib baik tak terfell asleep watching transformers!!
Yeah serious merious B’s fave show, dunno why ha ha! And then wan to convince me that I shld watch this show oso, which I do la sometimes when it’s on but not my fave hahahah! Ok great, u remind me yeah this wed? Sure I terforgot nanti! WED 10PM!!!! :)
U using TD and TF, Shemah???
Ha ha yay for GP rain dancing the afternoon away! :)
Dats why dearie, I had a feeling I was gonna miss MM but tak tahan tu, so terzzzzzzz!
Hahahaha I'll try to remind you!! As long as I'm online, my MO would remind
me of my fave shows!! Bestlah marzie.. all my other fave shows not on tv
now. All the muat turun type!!! LOL!
I was tired LJ, B oso tired that’s why I sent him for massage yest!
Yay to another day of internet indeed LJ! :)
He he better stalk MD next LJ, if ya know what I mean? ;)
Food blog and JPP are up, thanks for chopping ladies! :)
LJ, u are leading with 6 points! Alamak sorry Shemah tersalah info!!!! Monica is TFC2 with 5 points and then you shemah TFC3 with 3 points!!! Yay still on da list Shemah! :)
Ohh.. habih you tak gi massage?
Haha. Yeay!!
Oh nooooo sorry abt that Debbs, cian u nak makan soup but terhangus! Takpe, hopefully C brings back something yummy from la bodega tonight!!!
Errrrrrr I was nodding off la while watching transformers Shemah, but I forced myself to keep awake! Serious dat time mr sandman was bugging me he he, then lunch oso nak terzzzzzz ha ha!
Shemah, Im so happy cause I don have to muat turn (MT) all my fave shows, my fren Zeff is gonna pass to me ALL the MT files I want hehehehhehehhehehhehehe!!! Ah pls remind me abt GH, so I can remind B nanti, thanks sweetie!
I tak gi massage cause I had to do PB LJ!! Ha ha!
Nak buat PB samapi tak terlarat gi massage!
Hehe nasib baik I dah makan tadi, GP! :) Takpe la, I just hate it when I'm so careless.
I'm using TD!! Dah lama dah I use TD.. I get my tweets faster.. Cuma
sometimes it can get "rate limit exceeded" tu yang tak dapat tweets.. so I
use it together with my web..
I know Debbs, it’s like why oh why did I terforgot abt the boiling pot, right? More hugs for Debbs!
Ok ok still sticking to my TF for now I guess. So long as it works then I’m cool! :)
Ooohhh.. ye tak ye.. ada queen Mon lagi!! LOL! I'll settle for 3rd tq very
Yeah la Shemah, so blur la me, sorry abt that, but still happy to see u TFC3! :)
Hahhahaah wuaahh so lucky lah you no need to MT anymore!! LOL! just ask!!
LOL! okay.. come Wednesday nanti I remind you!! :-)
Yeah!!!! Good la my fren, everything I want, yg I dah lama tak MT from DH to my grey’s and Lost and Heroes and my sitcoms, happily I’m gonna pass him my hard drive for him to store everything inside yowzaaaa! :)
U still haven bought ur hard drive shemah?
Hahahahaha nope!! LOL! tak beli lagi.. macam tak important sangat right now!
He he important tu nak stuff all our programs there Shemah! :)
Sebab tgh break skrg Marzie. So I dah tak MT anything anymore.. LOL!
He he I will go through my MT list tonight and pass it to my fren together with my hard drive, then waaaaaaatch me be on MT programs mode lol!
Wuaaahhhh if on MT program mode what happens to us choppers and stalkers???
hello mariuca thanks for this tag i will grab it and give a shout when im done posting it
Mine's up! Thanks for including me.
Recent blog post: Awww...Mondays #19
great meme Mariuca...
very cool Emila 8-)
if I wasn't so pushed for time I would join :(
have a lovely Tuesday :*
Recent blog post: a sad sad Music Monday..
Hi Marzie,
Thanks for inviting me. I sure need some link love to my Netsource blog. I will post this meme there.
I had two days off in a row and had plenty rest. My batteries are now charged for another working week :)
A good one to you!
:* :* :*
yesd I didn't drop/click at all...
i knew u fell asleep that night! :-D :-D :-D
Hey Mon! When u gonna do this meme? :)
I dropped 900 yest but day before NADA!!! Happily slept through MM and didn drop he he!
I'll do it later today Mariuca :-D
Ha ha ha tak tahan la Mon, slept at 930, like a baby!
haha yeah u happily slept through MM!! ;)
coz u didn't zzzz the whole day mah ;)
Yay! Oh no! Hope I get to chop! ;)
I “sadly” slept through MM la, then the next day I knew I missed all the chops huhu! :(
Yeah lor, didn sleep the night before oso, then the next day until 9.30 pm just couldn keep my eyes open!
will buzz2 u later k ;)
hehe.....at least u've enuff zzzzz!!! :)
if me oso couldn keep my eyes open! maybe pengsan edi...hahhahah!
Yay! Buzz buzz me!
Yeah I slept and slept like nobody’s business and didn wake up until the next afternoon yowzaaaaa!
I tried to stay awake but fell asleep while dropping, and internet so slow, so lagi la nothing to keep me up!
i hope the connection is OK today!!! ;)
Screamyx nowadays slow la, some more yest was so diff dropping ec cause most blogs, widgets not showing dunno why, torture drop 900 yest!
yeah i noticed some widgets not showing....fed up right?!!!
Very the fedup cause have to refresh and refresh so many times for the stupid widget to show! :(
if i refreshed a few times and still didnt show, I closed it lah!
lol@ I slept and slept like nobody's business
I'm done sweetie! Thanks for the tag. :)
Thanks for playing along Liza, added u to my lists already! :)
Hi Margie,
I've just posted this evening. Sorry for long reply.
Thank you for involving me.
Best regards
Hhahhaha.. PB before everything else eh.
LJ! Ur here!!!!!! Are u back for real dearie? YAY!!!!!!!!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!