The Emila's 2010 calendar I won at Emila's Illustrated Blog arrived last weekend! I think it arrived earlier but was stuck inside my mailbox for some time before I discovered it. Anyway, the moment I ripped open the brown envelope containing the calendar, I was all smiles! I LOVE the calendar my BFF Emila designed and now selling at Emila's Littleshop. It looks even better in real life than what you see here in the picture! 
I won this lovely wall calendar by submitting a quote to go with the illustration Emila designed for the month of August, which also happens to be my birthday month so that was doubly sweet! Here is the August page of her beautiful calendar and my winning quote picked by her publisher.

I won this lovely wall calendar by submitting a quote to go with the illustration Emila designed for the month of August, which also happens to be my birthday month so that was doubly sweet! Here is the August page of her beautiful calendar and my winning quote picked by her publisher.

Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead;
Walk beside me, and just be my friend.”
-Albert Camus-
Like I told Emila, I'm so gonna make this my official 2010 calendar! It's so pretty and cheery, it really does brighten up my day every time I see it.
Fancy bringing a little Emila sunshine your way? Why not check out Emila's Littleshop for more great designs and items from my BFF, the creative and artistic Emila!
Fancy bringing a little Emila sunshine your way? Why not check out Emila's Littleshop for more great designs and items from my BFF, the creative and artistic Emila!


:* :* :* :*
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morning Mariuca! :)
wow! i love yr calendar... it's so sute! 8-) 8-) 8-)
OMG GP!! I love the calendar. and so lucky your quote was chosen and the graphics also so fitting lah.. well done dearie!
oh CHOP!!! lol!!
:* :* :* :* LJ FC1!
:* :* :* :* Monica FC2!!! LOL I almost wrote Monica LJ2!! ROTFLMAO!
Good morning Monica! It's raining here, how abt on ur end? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :*
Yay I oso love my calendar sweetie, sayang gila! I can't wait to use it come Jan! :* :* :* :* :* :*
congrats on winning this lovely calendar! ;) ;)
LOL @ Monica LJ2!! hahahahhaha!
Ha ha ha ha ha tu la, I typed edi then I had to delete and retype hahahaha! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Thank you Mon! I enjoyed this contest very much cause had to submit quotes and you know how I love my inspirational quotes so I joined on the spot....and WON woo hoo!!! :* :* :* :* :*
wah mon and lj always the first ones!
Thanks for chopping dearie, which blog eh? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
wah mon and lj always the first ones!
it's drizzling here! ;)
I know right LJ!!! I was so happy when I saw I won woo hoo, for my besday month some more! Hey u can actually buy the calendar at Emila's shop, 12 something only! :* :* :* :*
B got work today so he's not home now huhuhuhu...slight drizzle now here, earlier it was heavy rain! :* :* :*
Emila!!! CHop dearie! :* :* :*
Hahahhahaha LJ and Mon are my sweet stalkers here Emila, thanks so much for the lovely calendar, I looooooooove it!!!!!!! :* :* :* :* :* :*
oh yeah the other day u told me B got work today!! sigh sunday oso hve to
work :(
LOL! hi Emila! :)
i didn't know abt this contest huhuhuhuu! but i'm glad u won! :* :* :* :* :*
Yeah lor, still not back yet some more had to give speech again today... so cute la B practicing yest hehehhee! :* :* :* :* :*
Thanks sweetie, I was at the right place at the right time I guess... cepat je the contest ended woo hoo! :* :* :*
What a great looking calendar... I have photos of London and Maddie on mine...
Roxy 8-)
I love the Camus quote for your birthday month, too...
Yay thanks Roxy, I adore my calendar but I bet yours is just as cute with pics of London and Maddie! Hugs! :)
Thanks sweetie, thanks to my winning quote from Camus, I now get to enjoy this cute calendar for 2010 woo hoo!
oh! congratulations (although late) on winning! :) the calendar is sooo pretty! love it! :*
Itu satu kalendar yang menarik : )
I like that quote.
Simple but inspiring la Marzie. Congrats on your winning : ) :)
Congrats Mariuca on winning that calendar! :* :)
Thank you David, I heart my calendar! :)
Menarik gils kan Rizal, go get one from Emila! :)
Thanks Rizal, I was happy I chose this quote and it won, woo hoo!
Thanks sweetie, I love my calendar too and I can’t wait to use it! :)
STOP SPAMMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!