Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bandung Memories

Bandung Brownies on my mind. Soft and moist, yummy both inside and outside; these brownies were selling like the hot cakes they truly are everywhere I turned. I brought home several boxes with me and after giving some
away to family and friends, the delicious Bandung Brownies satisfied my choc craving for almost a month! Smiley

I am thinking back to the short weekend B and I spent in Bandung, Indonesia a few years back. The trip was sudden and totally unplanned. It was also the first time I had my Where is Mariuca contest.

Welcome to Bandung, Indonesia

Our flight tickets to Bandung were a gift so money-wise, we only had to worry about accommodation, shopping and dining. Honestly, there was really not much planning prior to the weekend B and I decided to leave our stress behind by flying to Bandung for two days, just like that! Smiley

The only thing I managed to check before our trip was the Travel In Indonesia page online, which came in handy for first-time visitors like us. I always look up the Dos and Don'ts of the destination I am headed for; it's only polite to grasp a slight understanding of another country's culture and customs before entering it don't you think? Smiley

Anyway, the best part of our Bandung weekend was the time I got to spend with B. Though short and sweet, two days away from home in another country brought us closer as we abandoned our work worries to shop and dine the entire weekend, together as a couple. We took plenty of pictures too and this is one of my favourites because B looks great in this picture! Me...not so much but B has such a terrific smile he looks good in almost all our pictures.

Let's see ... so far I've taken trips to Bandung, Tokyo, Singapore, London, Amsterdam, and Melbourne, Australia with my Darling. They were all amazing vacations so I am definitely looking forward to our next romantic adventure, wherever and whenever that will be! rindu

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