I hate to say this but age is catching up with me and there's no stopping it! I think that's why I've been so forgetful lately and it's really the simplest things that mange to escape my mind like switching off the stove after boiling eggs or leaving my fridge door open for no apparent reason!

So today I am using a small spot on my blog to write a reminder post for yours truly on two very important things, which I simply CANNOT forget!

1. I need to renew the McAfee anti-virus protection for my Pinky! When I bought my laptop, I extended the protection for another 6 months and now that it's almost a year and a half since I got my laptop, I need to renew my subscription pronto!
2. I need to renew the domain name for my cat blog before it expires. While on my EC round these last few days, I noticed several blog friends with missing blogs; I'd get the message "domain expired" when I click on their URLs. I reckon it is due to non-renewal of their domains and I must make sure the same thing doesn't happen to me.

Thanks to my BFF LJ, I enjoyed a discount for my 2-year renewal so my perfume gallery is already taken care of. It is my cat blog which needs renewal early next year. Whilst all my blogs already have their own domain names, I am still using Blogger as my host. First and foremost it's FREE but nowadays there are so many paid hosting companies offering fantastic deals, I could not resist checking them out like BlueHost for instance.
Established in 1996, BlueHost is one of the leading web hosting providers in the market today. Once registered, you will enjoy unlimited disk space and bandwidth as well as the usual Yahoo and Google advertising credits offered by most companies.
A plus point to choosing BlueHost is their excellent customer support, which is available via a Toll Free number and ever ready to assist you 24/7. It's always comforting to know that help is on-call whenever you need some assistance with your purchase so this definitely deserves brownie points from me.

By the way, BlueHost is currently having a LIMITED time professional Web Hosting offer for only $3.95 a month and if you sign up today, you'll be well on your way to enjoying all the awesome benefits including UNLIMITED Hosting Space, UNLIMITED File Transfer and Free Site Builder. Have fun shopping online!

-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-

:* :* :*
GP.. all my domain now extended to 2011 except LLP who is on dot org instead of dot com.. so no discount lah.. :(
Bluehost is a very famous but there are other cheaper ones out there GP..
:* :* :* LJ FC1!
Mine oso sampai 2011 kan with ur coupon dat day? Actually what's the diff bet dot org and dot com dearie, sorry for the silly question he he.... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
Wow and I thought 3.95 was edi damn cheapo! I will ask u for coupon kalau ada when I renew MD later yeah? Woo hoo! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Hi Mariuca!:*:*:*
LJ has given me very helpful advice like switching my template again which I did. As Bill has said, there's a reason why she's Lady JAVA. Javascripts and templates are no match for that lady! LOL!
My domain was extended on Basic Bloganomics this month to next December.:)
Ouch! I've always been so forgetful. :(
A Simple Life
MLC is still down. I have no idea what happened but I'm asking a friend to help me out.
I hope it'll be up soon. EC already deleted my account for MLC. :(
Hope you and B had a wonderful Christmas celebration. Happy New Year!
Hi Mariuca,
just saw i got one point on your Comment board :-D
How come, didn't know that i was so fast once in December *lol*
For luck no worries about renewing my Domain... will all be made by Mr. Google for 0$ :-$
I won one year hosting at Dunbar Domain (the contest which Ken Brown talked in the beginning of December -> LM-Blog is the son of the company owner), could you use this. He wrote something from 7.50 British Pound for the transfer of the domain but then no more costs for that year.
I have no need for it... but don't know if i can give it away, if someone wants 1 year free hosting just write me :)
:* :* :* :*
so cheap eh $3.95 a month :)
i don't want to shop edi coz i ve spent quite a lot of money on Christmas gifts :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
I could be wrong but I think BlueHost is a Mormon company with a seriously strict TOS. We got kicked off it, LOL.
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!