It is raining heavily right now and it's only 10am. The morning air is suddenly made cooler with a strong refreshing breeze blowing inside my living-room. I have the sliding door wide open and stray papers and envelopes are flying around. Through it all, I remain seated in front of the TV, my laptop running as I type this post.
When it rains, I feel a welcoming sense of serenity. The cooling air surrounding me right now got me thinking of our air-conditioner inside the Master bedroom. It needs to be serviced soon. Ever since B came home from the hospital last week, we've been switching it on all the time. During the day it's on, nightfall comes and it's still on and yesterday I noticed the air was not as cool as it used to be. There is a soft humming sound too whenever I walk underneath the unit and I'm thinking some cleaning or perhaps repair is required.
Our handyman friend took a look at our unit and he seems to think we need to replace a part or two. Should we require a spare part to replace any faulty components, he suggested we check out As the leading supplier of Lennox Parts on air conditioners and heating systems, this online store offers a wide range of spare parts for your AC or heater. I can either use the search feature to identify and locate individual repair parts for my model or I could get the assistance of the friendly Parts Specialists on hand to help locate the right one.
I've never had anyone over to repair the AC so I'm a little clueless on my next move. Plus I'm not that handy when it comes to electrical appliances so I think I will leave it to our handyman friend to get the AC fixed. We don't mind paying him a small fee to do all the running around for us, especially since B is still unable to drive for now and I am stuck at home managing the household and a recovering B.
So I hope to get the AC up and running again soon but right now it's still raining and the early morning breeze is more than sufficient to keep me breezy! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.
When it rains, I feel a welcoming sense of serenity. The cooling air surrounding me right now got me thinking of our air-conditioner inside the Master bedroom. It needs to be serviced soon. Ever since B came home from the hospital last week, we've been switching it on all the time. During the day it's on, nightfall comes and it's still on and yesterday I noticed the air was not as cool as it used to be. There is a soft humming sound too whenever I walk underneath the unit and I'm thinking some cleaning or perhaps repair is required.
Our handyman friend took a look at our unit and he seems to think we need to replace a part or two. Should we require a spare part to replace any faulty components, he suggested we check out As the leading supplier of Lennox Parts on air conditioners and heating systems, this online store offers a wide range of spare parts for your AC or heater. I can either use the search feature to identify and locate individual repair parts for my model or I could get the assistance of the friendly Parts Specialists on hand to help locate the right one.
I've never had anyone over to repair the AC so I'm a little clueless on my next move. Plus I'm not that handy when it comes to electrical appliances so I think I will leave it to our handyman friend to get the AC fixed. We don't mind paying him a small fee to do all the running around for us, especially since B is still unable to drive for now and I am stuck at home managing the household and a recovering B.
So I hope to get the AC up and running again soon but right now it's still raining and the early morning breeze is more than sufficient to keep me breezy! Thanks for reading and have a great weekend.
-FC Scoreboard points for my first THREE commenters-
Salam Jumaat Marzie.
Wah memang sejuk. Kat sini Templer Park pun hujan lebat pagi tadi. Sejuk betul siap boleh nampak kabus-kabus dah ni :-D
:( :( :(
It's cold here to sgt esp after the heat the past few days..
morning GP!
it's raining here GP! :'( :'( :'( :'(
i hate it when it rains >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o
Hope B recovers soon so you can destress too dearie!!
my white uniform readily gets muddy..coz i just walk from hosp to house.. >:o >:o >:o >:o
Morning Rizal FC1! :* :* :*
Hey LJ, FC2! :* :* :* :
And morning GG, FC3! :* :* :*
Thanks for the early morning chop peeps, TGIF! :* :* :*
surely Tito B will be getting better so soon GP!!! ;)
Wah bestnye nampak kabus Rizal, rasa mcm obersea tak? Still breezy here, I love it! :-D :-D :-D
Raining there too LJ? I hope the rain will last while I zzzzz later... sure will sleep soundly then... :) :) :)
Wah there oso raining GG on ur part of the world? :) :) :)
I love it when it rains GG eso when I'm indoors... so cozy! :* :* :*
Thanks LJ, tomo going to hosp for check-up, then we'll know more! :* :* :*
Just from walking to hosp GG? Wah so muddy? So how do u avoid getting mud on ur uniform? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
yayks! i made it! ;)
no probs GP!
yeah GP! in fact, this very moment is heavily raining!!cant move from house to hosp.. >:o >:o >:o >:o
And for the RT too of coz yay! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Ur first chop dis year at MPG, thanks cutie! :* :* :*
Yay thanks GG, yup just waiting for full recovery now, looks like everything is going okay so far. Hugs! :* :* :*
i hate it coz i cant freely move and i have this swine reflex activated..hahaha.LOL!
i usually wear high-heeled school shoes.heheh
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
wahahah!first this year! ;)
that's a great news GP!!! ;) ;) ;) ;)
Wow! me the Guest Star, thanks so much Marzie.
Love you and hugzzz :) ;) :* :* :* :*
Yes lucky it rained! I love the rain, the air feel so much more pleasant and cooler!
Alamak! So long didn't drop by here, dun know what happened. Why B need to be hospitalised?
Oh yeah! Time to service your aircon - it'll definitely function better after service!
cantiklah gambar hujan ni ^_^
:* :* :* :*
it was raining heavily this morning and i slept like a log! :-D :-D :-D
GG 8-) 8-) :-P :-P
I hope the check- up goes well for B Marzie. Please let us know the outcome :) :)
i hope ur b will be fine soon. like me im no good in electronics, too. but how i wonder i know about it because there is no big man in the house but my sons who are yet 15 and 14. happy new year sis. missed it here
the rains also make me feel a sense of serenity. Although since Typhoon ondoy and the floods it brought about, I'm not so sure it will be the same next time it pours hard and I'm home...
So heavy the rain GG? Today it rained here too, while I was sleeping! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Ah see.... I love the rain cause it soothes me.. .wash away all the laziness and fatigue.. dreamy rainy day I love! :* :* :*
Yay thanks Bill, the check-up was a breeze and B came home with a glowing report! But he's still on leave for another week, yay again lol! :* :* :*
Wah Doc GG in sexy hi heels! Phewitttt! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Thanks so much GG, hugs! :* :* :*
Thanks for being my Guest Star @ MPG Lil', hope to see u back, hugs! 8-) 8-) 8-)
Ha ha u and me both Foong, some more both love PJ yay! :* :* :* :*
You can see my posts at my main blog Foong, everything's okay edi, thanks for ur concern! :* :* :*
You think Foong? LOL yeah lor high time to service edi...usually don really use the AC only recently overused it while B was confined inside the room... :-E :-E :-E
8-) Hi TH!
Hi Bain, I pun suka gambar ni, dah pakai 2 kali dah ha ha! :-D :-D :-D
:* :* :* :* Monica!
It rained heavily this afternoon too Mon, so I slept and slept like nobody's biz! :* :* :*
Thanks so much Melds and welcome to MPG! My hubby is definitely on the road to full recovery, just a matter of waiting it out. Happy New year to you too and do leave me ur URL next visit so I can return your visit too, thanks again! :* :* :*
Yay thanks Sukanta and welcome to MPG! I don't see ur URL here, so leave it on ur next visit so I can visit you too, have a great day! :* :* :*
Oh no, sorry to hear that Vera... I'm sure you will love the rain again once ur Typhoon fears are gone. Love the rain when it's not too heavy or destructive of course. Happy Tuesday! :* :* :*
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!