I really want to sleep right now, but I can't! You see, I am currently on standby for one of my regular clients. And when you do work for a huge established advertising agency, it is hard to say no to them. Being on standby basically means I have to be available just in case my client needs me to do more changes and editing to the very important job they are working on at the moment.
As their copywriter and translator, it is up to me to ensure everything (copy wise) is in order. I am expected to continue making the necessary changes if required, until the job is finalized and sent for printing. Until then, I am on call as and when my client needs me. Sounds harrowing right? Especially when I have not slept for the past 24 hours. I am already used to these standby sessions but still, it doesn't get any easier especially when I am feeling as sleepy as I am right now!
While waiting for my client to revert, I decided to surf the Net of course. I mean, what else is there to do while waiting? So I came across this lovely Anna Sui dress; what do you think? This multicoloured cotton printed bandeau dress is made from 100% cotton. Designed with a boned bodice with pleat and button detailing through the front, this dress is perfect for summer, which is practically every day here in sunny Malaysia. Sporting an empire waistline and a side zip to fasten, it also comes with removable straps.
All this surely sounds good if you're a fan of fashion, specifically Anna Sui. The only thing you have to worry about is remembering to dry clean the dress rather than using the washing machine. Also it is quite pricey if you ask me, but then again it is a designer outfit, so you're also paying for the ultimate luxury of a famous brand name and not just the dress! Would you buy this dress for £348.26?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 441 Newer› Newest»Rich u mean Ane? He he must be thinking ofthat freaker RICK F!! ;)
I did a PB on Kimora’s baby Phat Ane, and enjoyed it too ha ha! :)
Oh I can't stand Penelope lol!!
Hehehe if pretty then I'll take photo la Marzie lol!!
LOL, I mean Rick, Marzie! LOL
Hey Marzie, Ane and everyone! Read this: http://tekkaus.blogspot.com/2009/04/nang-nuffnang-called-me.html
Apparently, we're not Glitteratti anymore because we have Adgitize on our blogs!
oh Debbs I was looking for that blog!! I read the other day after that I couldn;t find it..
Really Marzie! awesome, I'd like to do a post on kimora's baby phat too! :-D
I saw your comment there, Mon! :):)
yeah Debbs! now I can see the blog....haha! aiyo what la this NN!!
What? Really? so must give up Adgitize?
Yalah Mon...this NN is getting on my nerves, you know. Adgi isn't even from South East Asia. Some lawyer bloggers can sue NN for not complying to their own T&C. Not scared ah they all? Ish!
Why is that? When their TOS clearly says "as long as you don't have any
other South East Asian Ads", then you are a glitterati member...
Ane, I'd rather give up NN. Besides, their ads take up so much space lol! Adgi is better in terms of payouts and results. I took more than a year to earn a mere RM50 from NN and they took more than 40 days to send me the check.
Adgitize is an American company, so why?
that's why la Debbs! i think NN is going to change their T&C...coz got ppl start complaining aldy!!
u also joined NN, Ane?
Stupid NN, that's why Ane. Because Adgi is doing well in Asian countries such as ours, that's why.
haha I agree Debbs... their ads take up so much space!!! I'm not an active NN'er actually :-D
Mon, if they change their T&C, that means I'll probably ditch NN. Aiyo!
Me neither, Mon. Plus they only care about their "top" bloggers.
i'm not sure should i get rid of NN or not la Debbs!
haha true! u also noticed that huh.... they only care those so called celebrity bloggers
Well, if you're benefiting from NN, then keep it la Mon. :)
Yup lol!!! That's why I malas wanna join their community also. They send invites for movies and stuff, malas la wanna join them. :):)
do u read their blogs Debbs??
The "celebrity blogs" Mon? No, I don't. Hehehe...
Morning Debbs! Oh I slept right after my post yest, suddenly didn feel well, am up now! I read the post, wtf la this NN? Habis tu EC lagi la before Adgi, ah don care la, I might just remove my NN like dis, fed up edi with all these nonsense rules! :(
Oh thanks for the link Debbs, I didn know abt this. ;)
Morning Marzie! I oso angers la with NN. What to do kan? And I found out that now, Mr G penalised those blogs that sell text link ads. No wonder la CnS PR0, pastu I found out Wallet oso PR0! Mcm ni I mmg takde mood wanna move to new domain la. :(:(:(
No problem, Marzie. :)
Debbs, u mean bf this PW got PR? Aiyooootensi la baru bangun dapat bad news! Text link tu, under link worth or what debbs?
Ye la baru PR1, then yesterday N/A, then today PR0. Text link tu semua jenis text link la but I think CnS kena sbb got links from LinkWorth. Biarla, as long as I get paid every month. Pening my kepala edi thinking about all these la. I blm tido lagi ni tau. :'(
I haven rec anything for LW, so dunno.. oh I am rushing now too Debbs, and I slept edi, so can be normal ppl today! U better sleep first, then wake up feel a little better. :)
I removed NN on my blog Marzie! They said so long as no other South East
Asian Ads then fine, but now they seem to be penalizing blgos with Adgi, I'
chose Adgi cause can see results, with NN still no kaching so good riddance!
Ane, Dats why, silly la NN, can’t take the heat from a little competition?!!! :(
I am so going to write them an angry letter!
I haven't earned anything from NN Debbs, so I took down the NN ads on my
blog, and you're right, they take too much space and for nothing! and
besides, I like adgi more! :-D
He he u mean write at ur blog or straight to them Ane?
I only earned RM50 from them last year Ane. Now stuck at a miserable RM22 and it hasn’t been moving since god knows when, some more wan to threaten us with this Adgi nonsense, me no likey NN!
I'm leaving NN Mon! I don't need too much drama, and besides have earned
nothing from them!
Yes, Mon, I think I have been a member for 8 months now, and still 0
earnings! I've been a glitterati 2x and kicked out of glitterati 2x also, so
am leaving them!
I so agree Debbs, stupid NN!
I know Marzie, I am done with NN!
It’s pissing me off by the minute Ane, and AV is pissing me off too by not responding to any of my 6 freaking emails to them! :(
write to them and on my blog Marzie!
I have 0 earning from NN Marzie! :'(
LOL ok Ane, looking forward to reading ur angry letter then!
0 earnings Ane? Oh then u shld def get rid of them!!! Silly NN! :(
What's the problem with AV Marzie?
Yeah 0 earnings, so I got rid of them already! Good bye stupid TOS violating
No problem, I wrote in to them requesting for a titan membership numerous times, at least have the freaking decency to reply even if u reject my application right? But noooooooo, like a fool I’ve been writing to them Ane and they’re just ignoring me! :(
Oh, bad bad bad AV!
Stupid AV and stupid NN!
Yeah Ane! It was a 3P PB I think! Happily chopped and wrote a Kimora PB ha ha!
so lucky for you to grab an opp like that! :-D
Ha ha I know Ane! The moment I saw that Kimora PB, I knew I had to do it!
yes debbs! you know you cant escape wearing dress yr whole life, kan! on yr wedding pun u need to wear dress! :) So now, you must wear more dresses to avoid the awkwardness or 'not used to dress' you may feel later! :)
eh debbs, i've just read abt this link u provided abt the NN and adgi. I am completely on the gray abt this. NN did not email me nor inform me abt this. So, is that means we're no more Glitter Girls? :/
that's right! i rem very well they said as long as no south east asian ads, we're safe as Glitter girls! now, this adgi banning? it's so contradicting la!
actually i kinda like NN ads. Not bcoz they pay me well, it's bcoz of the advertisements they are playing on our widget. Sometimes, it is really cool! :) but of coz, i am still angry wt them on this new terms!
i love ANTM too debbs! Sometimes, those girls really mengada ada la. :)
haha.. yeah, NN & their celebrity bloggers!
thanks, mon! :)
hi debbs! :*
haha.. marzie! M reminded me [again] oredi now to put up adam's video. For sure, we'll be hving our MM post next week! :)
hi marzie! i'll try to chop whenever i can, k! but this month macam our timing not right la. So far, i only managed to chop once! :(
hahaha.. thanks, marzie! but sometimes, differences makes a perfect match like u & B, red & pink heart! :)
wow, i love la Turn u off & the other Turn u on! :)
haha.. wearing dresses makes u feel like aunty aunty, debbs? lol!
i love wearing dresses but hard to find nice dress for me la coz i am too skinny. :(
oh and me too, mon! dun forget me when u bcome millionaire! lol! :)
debbs, what's her blog url? i meant the kim k!
eh debbs, how old are u oredi? i think i am in yr gang. :)
ahhh.. debbs, i watched the show lar! sometimes the girls are so noisy!
haha.. i forgot too which one is which! but i love to watch the pretty K! :)
OMG!!! Shemah are u reading this? Jean is :( cause cannot find nice dresses since she’s too skinny OUCH!!! SW SW SW!!!
Yeah la Jean, u and Debbs satu geng, nobody in my geng except for C! LOL!!!
Once only Jean? Oh no must try to get few more chops here Jean, still got few days left in April! :)
Stupid NN!
Good Jean, must be angry with NN cause demoting us to normal member for no valid reason! :(
I oso remember that Jean, that’s why it’s so unsangkarable they demoted us cause of Adgi!!
I heard that AV is worse than NN la Marzie. Some more mmg they don't reply emails!
Actually kan Jean, I don't want to have a wedding where I need to walk down the aisle. Lol!!
You have to check your own NN account, Jean. We are all non-Glitter la now.
Hahaha yalah Jean, feel like want to slap those ANTM girls, right? Belum jadi model oredi overacting hehehe...
Hi Jean!! Hugsy!!
Bukan feel like aunty2, Jean. I look like one! Lol!!
Oh no, we're all jelesi cuz you're skinny winny lah Jean.
Jean, he're it is: http://kimkardashian.celebuzz.com
You're a year younger than me, right Jean? I am gonna be 28 this year. ;)
Which one Jean? Laguna Beach? The guys are hot! Lol!!
Marzie! I feel your pain lol! SW SW SW!!!
Ha ha ha u feel my pain Debbs? Tu la, stress ni KONPIRM MONDAY I start BD, FOR REAL REAL REAL this time!!!!!
So true Debbs, I admit I am jelesi of Jean and Ane cause eat whatever but still skinny, how I wish I could do the same but no such luck!
Hi Debbs, I baru je switch on my laptop, gave it a rest just now cause mcm hot like dat, u woke up edi?
Hahaha...chillax ok Marzie? Anyway sapa kena buang tadi on OIAM?
Ala same la, food I eat tend to stick around my butt and they expand with time lol!!!
You don't have the ventilator fan thingy ke for your laptop, GP?
Nine! So next week is finale edi Debbs and maybe it will be a 3-person finale, cause viewers will get to vote for a 2-person or a 3-person finale it seems! Just now they showed la Aweera’s mat salleh dad lol!
I dunno abt u Debbs but sometimes I feel like I’m “expanding” while I’m eating!!!
I don have yet Debbs, mmg nak beli but tak sempat lagi, so it was so hot just now and no point oso keep it on cause couldn drop with slow connection, so switched it off!
OMG Aweera masuk top 3 with tomok and esther? Please la no chance aweera boo!
Marzie, if you expand while eating, that's ok as long as they don't get stuck lol!
Oh okay. Murah je the kipas thingy for your lappie. :):) Petang tadi I had to sleep with a wet towel on my face. Kalau tak mesti kering kontang. My wet towel pun dry by the time I got up! Mmg panas la tadi.
LOL but Paul mcm puji2 Aweera la today! ;)
Expand first debbs, then get stuck LOL!
Kan berbahang la today! The fan is abt RM20, mmg cheapo but takde time to go to IT store yet. I oso wanna buy a hard disk drive Debbs! I mean another one on top of the one I edi have. $$$
Ye ke Paul puji Aweera? Ish!
Oh no, sounds so bad la expand then get stuck lol!!
Oh hard disk drive? Portable one ke? Hmm I bought mine last year, 320GB only RM200 kalau tak silap. Mesti murah gils now. Itu pun mcm tak cukup la dah more than half full with my music, movies and tv series lol!!
Yeah something abt it would be interesting to see A perform at the finale nanti. But he oso puji Esther and Tomok, masa Esther nyanyi first song, he was like lost for words! :)
Yeah dat day LJ’s A bought 500 GB I think. I oso wan 500 GB!
They sang two songs ke tadi, GP? top 4 also I blm watch..hehe
Buy la 1-terra one..hehe..
Yeah 2 songs, one is judges’ choice then the next one viewers’ choice, from all the songs that they dah nyanyi this season.
1-terra Debbs? Berapa rm tu?
Oh awesome! I'll watch OIAM soon! :):)
Not sure la GP, but double the 500GB kot.
oh thai express! we went there once mariuca! but I still prefer la gourmet :-D
I don't read the "celebrity blogs" also Debbs...coz no time la...lol
Debbs, what is sell text link ads?
Nothing much oso the "celebrity blogs" Mon. Hehe boring la actually. :)
Mon, when you sell text links ads, meaning people pay you to put their links on your blog.
Debbs, some of the "celebrity bloggers" are so rich la....their job is to travel, travel, travel only!!
ohhhh ic... thanks for the explanation Debbs!
not FFI here Mariuca?
hahhahaha.... when are we going to get 1000 PBs mariuca?!
Yalah, but then like not fair eh? They become rich, we not rich oso hehehe...
You're welcome, Mon. You sleep edi or not? Hehe
Debbs, when LJ did the makeover for me, she put LinkWorth at my blog...but i told her the page load time is very very slow becoz of LinkWorth so she removed it....
LinkWorth or Link Within, Mon??
eh got LinkWorth and Link Within ahr Debbs?..lol...the 3 widgets that under the post usually.. :-D
Mariuca, I only earned RM60 plus from NN last year..haha so little eh?
Mon, that one Link Within la hehe...LinkWorth is the $$$ program hehehe...
0 earnings after 8 months Ane? yeah I think it's better to leave then!!
Wah 60 is ok la Mon, but still NN is so slow in terms of payment, fedup edi waiting for my earnings to increase. FED UP!
huh? 60 ok meh? not 60 p/month u know :-D
0 earnings after 8 months Ane? yeah I think it's better to leave then!!
Oh that one is link within Mon! :)
Of coz la not fair debbs, tu yg heartpain ni thinking abt NN!
sure Jean!!! u too ya ....LOL!!!!
He he he dunno la Mon, but good la RM allows 50 pb limit for TUO! Can reach 50 u think? LOL!
0 earnings after 8 months Ane? yeah I think it's better to leave then!!
Hmmmmm dunno la if wan to do FFI here this week Mon, like so many things to do and post at WOAFS, so we’ll see! :)
opps sorry Debbs....I'm confused la ....ok then the Link Within la she removed :-D anyway I'll check out LinkWorth $$$$$$
Who are the celeb bloggers? Tak kenal satu pun Debbs!
I mean better than nothing la, me 50 only last year he he!
what's the link within for mariuca?
of coz cannot reach 50 la Mariuca!!!
aiyo 50 and 60 almost the same la.....hahahahahahah!!!!
Link within is the one that u see underneath my posts Mon, related posts will be featured there. Can see the icons?
Ha hahahahahah some more another 20 stuck now at NN cause not moving Mon! Boo to NN!
Tak kenal, GP? That's why la "celeb bloggers" lol!!
Yes Mon, 0 earnings for 8 months and their ads take too much space on my
blog, so I say bye bye to NN already! At least you got RM60 from them, which
is a good amount when converted to Philippine peso.. :-D
There's nothing wrong with your body Marzie, you're not F looking so why
torture yourself with a BD???
hehe Marzie, I use the fan of my PS2 so my lappie won't over heat.. :-D
Jean, look for empire cuts, it's going to make you look a bit leaner, and
you won't drown in the dress cause it will create an illusion that you're
not skinny.. :) also look for dresses that are like halter tops, dresses
like that look great on skinny girls cause it flows and doesn't drown you
like most dresses will do.. :)
wah.. so expensive lah Anne Sui. I always see the Anne Sui booths around the shopping complexes - while I am waiting for my mother to linger around those cosmetics stalls :*
Recent blog post: Yes, Adam Lambert is Gay, but could he be the first Gay American Idol?
I could buy lots of thing (manly things) with £348.26.. hehe
Recent blog post: Yes, Adam Lambert is Gay, but could he be the first Gay American Idol?
I think it's very arty and I think it would suit you Mariuca lol...I think my daughter would love it too 8-)
Recent blog post: Anzac Day 2009 - my Artwork published!
a sunny Sunday to you Mariuca :* :*
Recent blog post: Anzac Day 2009 - my Artwork published!
I would definitely NOT buy loh. So ex !! hahaha :)
Ha ha, I will buy if I’m a millionaire Janice, in fact I’ll buy 2 LOL! :)
It was a super sunny Sunday here Kim, oh so hot!!
Kim!! Trust you to see the artistic side to this dress he he, and thanks sweetie! I think u should get it for C, she’ll love it for sure! :)
What manly things la Blue? He he he!
Blue, now u know just how costly some of these designer brands can be kan? Sometimes rasa macam tak worth it, but if it’s really nice and I can’t sleep thinking abt it, mesti beli jugak! ;)
Oh Ane, u will never understand cause u are a SW forever and ever sweetie! One BD for me pls lol!
Mon, my fave at thai express in the fire noodle!
Debbs, then wedding jenis apa yg takde walk down the aisle eh?
Ane, I just paid a whole bunch of bills last night, and more to come this week! :(
Ane, is CL still not working at your site? That’s just plain weird, what did Andy say abt it?
Wish away on my falling star Ane! And I hope all ur wishes will come true. :)
Wedding that omits the whole "walking down the aisle" thing. Seriously, I dowan a fancy wedding, but I might just wear a dress ok? Lol!!
wahh fire noodle must be super spicy la :D
Supposedly spicy la this fire noodle (got 3 chilli next to the menu item) but for me not so spicy, but still yum!
Pakai la wedding dress, mesti C nak tgk u in a wed dress nanti! ;)
haha then u should ask the chef to make it extra spicy for u :D
Ha ha, every time oso I’ll say “extra pedas” but every time oso not so pedas ha ha!
Ahahaha...wedding dress! Lol!!!
lol....u know last time I’ll say “kurang pedas” but every time oso so pedas!!!!
Hi, I've browsed and read your postings previously but never had the chance to leave a comment just yet. Here's my first!
It's hard to stay up and work on something when you haven't slept at all but sometimes it's part of the job.
The dress is cute, will also fit for a spring dress here.
i love hanging out wt u ladies too!! im so sry i havent been around. My life seems to be missing something without me being online and check on u ladies. >< that's why i am here today to clear off all my comments in my inbox. I've just started and it's about 450 comments. Will read and reply one by one. See u ladies around!! :* :*
Ha ha jean!!!! Reading the comments one by one, good luck sweetie! Miss you too la Jean! :)
Hi Jean!! Hope you're doing okay. :):)
Hi Jean! :) How are you? Miss yah lots! :) :*
OMG!!! really lar, ladies!! too skinny not good also lar! sometimes, i envy u ladies lar when it comes to choosing dresses! dun laugh me anymore la, i am serious!
hehe.... yay!! me n debbs satu geng!! marzie, we also satu geng mah, PINKY GENG mah!! :) :)
OMG Jean!!!!! U’re actually here!!! MISS YOU!
oh no marzie! it's already may and i havent got any chop at yr place yet. As a matter of fact, i havent been visiting anyone since may. :( sry, woman! but i'll visit u again when i've done my work here, k! :) :) :)
aiyuh, this NN is so scaredy cat, cannot take any competitor at all! :( how u ladies taking it? got NN at yr place anot?
Ok Jean! Take ur time yeah? Hugs!
Got NN still Jean, but lazy la to complain complain but still nothing can be done abt them kan? Angers only!
Hi Jean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehe.. surprise to see me huh, marzie? I am so happy you're missing me! :) :) i am here again to clear off my inbox. This will take some time. But i am enjoying going through all our & you ladies little chats. *HUGZ*
sure, marzie!! Here Hv a BR while waiting for my comeback, k! ;) *HUGZ*
Hey Jean! :* I missed you! :)
hahaha.. yalar! mmg, marzie! wasting our time & effort only complain abt them. My NN is still 40 something. I am waiting for it to reach payout. Then i will decided whether to hv NN or not. Maybe i will use AD for all my blogs. So far, AD hv been quite good. At least responsive la. :)
Hello lovely mon!!!!! :* :* :* miss me anot?? :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!