I really want to sleep right now, but I can't! You see, I am currently on standby for one of my regular clients. And when you do work for a huge established advertising agency, it is hard to say no to them. Being on standby basically means I have to be available just in case my client needs me to do more changes and editing to the very important job they are working on at the moment.
As their copywriter and translator, it is up to me to ensure everything (copy wise) is in order. I am expected to continue making the necessary changes if required, until the job is finalized and sent for printing. Until then, I am on call as and when my client needs me. Sounds harrowing right? Especially when I have not slept for the past 24 hours. I am already used to these standby sessions but still, it doesn't get any easier especially when I am feeling as sleepy as I am right now!

While waiting for my client to revert, I decided to surf the Net of course. I mean, what else is there to do while waiting? So I came across this lovely Anna Sui dress; what do you think? This multicoloured cotton printed bandeau dress is made from 100% cotton. Designed with a boned bodice with pleat and button detailing through the front, this dress is perfect for summer, which is practically every day here in sunny Malaysia. Sporting an empire waistline and a side zip to fasten, it also comes with removable straps.

All this surely sounds good if you're a fan of fashion, specifically Anna Sui. The only thing you have to worry about is remembering to dry clean the dress rather than using the washing machine. Also it is quite pricey if you ask me, but then again it is a designer outfit, so you're also paying for the ultimate luxury of a famous brand name and not just the dress! Would you buy this dress for £348.26?

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 441 Newer› Newest»:-$ :-$
Wah.. very the ex lah... but pretty colors!!
Did I get it!?? FC FC FC??
:'( :'( :'(
stupid slow internet connection!!! >:o >:o >:o
Very pretty but too expensive! =-O
Still standing my GP?? wah how long to standby ni?? terok lah like that.. lucky standby at home kan?
If I were single I probably would buy it, but alas, am not single, I am unemployed and I have 2 kids, so No, I don't think I can afford it! LOL :-D :-D :-D
Congrats SSG! I see you are reclaiming your presence in the blogging world eh.. :-P :-D :-D :* :* :*
Recent blog post: I am a certified Movie Addict
hahah Ane.. barely!!
so many things to do.. so little time!!
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover : 31 - My Public Me
cool! We have variety of summer dresses but this one is quite unique.
Still working on more kaching kaching I see, you'll be a millionaire in no
time LJ! :-D Don't over work yourself dearie, must chill and play once in a
while.. :-D
If I had a very slim body, I'd buy all the dresses I fancy :)
:* :* :*
i would surely buy that too if i am slim and sexy :-D :-D :-D
unfortunately, i'm the exact opposite... :( :( :(
i suggest you buy it, marzie... that would definitely look good on you... ;) ;)
that is if you have much :-$ :-$ :-$
LJ! :* :* :*
Expense right LJ? Some more in pounds astaga! >:o >:o :-$ :-$ :-$
LJ u did it sweetie, wah now 4 points edi and leading here! :* :*
Testing CL!! >:o >:o >:o
Recent blog post: Football Crazy B!
Ane, stupid CL giving me probs today hmmmm, hopefully stupid internet won slow me down! 8-) 8-) :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Football Crazy B!
LJ hasn't been chopping here, busy bumbles! ;) ;) :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Third Blog Update!
I agree with Ane dearie! Must take some time to smell the roses! :* :* 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Third Blog Update!
Ane, it it a tad too expensive for me too! How la to buy? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Third Blog Update!
I hear u Ane, last time when I was single I'd spend more on just me too. Now there are bills to pay and what not, so expensive things have to take a backseat to my shopping desires! >:o :'( :'(
Recent blog post: Missing My Pool Buddies!
Rosilie! Thanks for stopping by sweetie! Oh I agree with u on the unique design, kinda cool right? I oso love the colours actually! :* :* 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Missing My Pool Buddies!
Hi Vera! I know what u mean, some dresses only look good for the skinny! >:o >:o =-O =-X :-[ :-[
Recent blog post: Football Crazy B!
8-) 8-) 8-) Elai!
Recent blog post: Football Crazy B!
U not slim and sexy Elai? Sure or noooooooot? I bet u're a cutie pie!! :* :* :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Football Crazy B!
Big is beautiful Elai, not that I'm saying u are F la!! Hugsy Elai! :* :* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Football Crazy B!
Awww thanks sweetie, I need a whole new wardrobe actually! Ha ha wan to throw out all my old clothes and buy new ones! =-O =-X :-[ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Football Crazy B!
Unfortunately, me too not much :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ to be spending away like nobody's business, really need to be a millionaire la like dis!! >:o >:o :'( :-D :-D :-[ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Recent blog post: Third Blog Update!
LJ, after I posted this terus zzzzzzzzzz! Standby over edi yeah!! :)
Astaga! So expensive! Hehe nasib baik I don't wear dresses. Lol!!! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
marzie, anna sui is my fave lar!! love this dress!!! :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
of coz expense la, designer dress lar! but if i hv extra money, i will surely buy dresses from anna sui or vera wang also nice lar! :) :* :* :-D
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
=-O =-O :-$ :-$ :* :*
Mariuca! :-D :-D
that's such a lovely dress! :* :*
yeah very exp la this brand!! :-$ :-$ :-$
you don't wear dresses Debbs? why la *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Not to Buy coz toooooo exp for me! :-P :-$ :-D
Hola Debbs! Expense kan this baju aiya….how to afford? :)
Is it Jean? AS is ur fave? Then YAY, this post is for u woman! :)
Yeah, of coz expense cause designer dress mah…but me too if got money for sure I’ll be buying a brand new designer wardrobe, cause rich edi then don have to worry abt money! :)
:) Monica!
Hi Mon! U came back from where? Supper?
I love the colours Mon and the prints are precious! :)
Expensive for us who are not millionaires lol!
Too expense for u too eh Mon? 100 PBs oso not enuff to buy this one eh? He he!
I won't! It's too expensive! :) :) :)
BUt it would definitely look good on you. ;)
Doing my rounds sweetie! Happy Thursday! *hugs*
Ha ha ha CHOP Liza!! So cute la Liza always CHOP here no matter what ha ha ha! :)
I look extra fat in dresses, Mon! Lol!!
Hola Marzie! To be frank, not worth it la, it doesn't look expensive hehehe...
c'mon Debbs!!!
Mon! R got blog oso izzit? ;)
we went out for dinner+supper... lol
Debbs, R got blog but never bother to update the blog... hahahhahaha
haha, mon M also like that. Nowadays he's getting lazier la. TGB also he nvr update. Only know how to ask me to update. Like for MM post, he will eagerly remind me to put up Adam video. :)
I think I saw his blog la, Mon! Sepasang with you but his blog is turn-you-on, kan? :-P
Hi Jean!! eh u're still awake!! :-D
yes marzie, AS is my fave!! :) aw.. thanks for dedicating this post to me!! *HUGZ* :* :*
marzie, i wouldn't be able to wait till ur next post la. am sleeping now! see u tomorrow, k! Love!! *HUGZ* :* :* :*
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
btw, M is pink heart too! ;)
Recent blog post: Over The Top Award
hehe.. yeah, just finished watching football wt M. but im sleeping now oredi. :)
yeah Debbs! but he wrote abt politic....boring!!!!!!!! LOL!
ok, good night, ladies! Hv fun chatting!! :)
ohh ok....good night Jean! sweet dreams......
Hehehehe funny la you, Mon! Maybe that's why he oso tak bsemangat wanna update kan? lol!!
Good night Jean! :)
It is too pricey Liza, I agree but it is still very lovely eh?
Awww thanks Liza, I kinda like this dress, maybe there’s a cheaper version he he! :)
Thanks for dropping by today Liza, hugs! :)
Not worth it eh Debbs? Sometimes designer items cam tu kan, expense but doesn look expense, just the brand name yg penting. I oso got no money to buy la this expense dress Debbs! ;)
Ha ha What did u have for dinner/supper Mon? :)
Wah R oso got blog Mon???
mariuca, this one is fm stylehive right??
Alamak sorry Jean, Im so slow la tonight, still haven finished my post and still haven dropped! ;)
He he welcome Jean! Sorry la cannot give linky love cause PB kan he ehehe! :)
LOL to Martin eagerly reminding u to put up Adam’s video Jean!! :)
Okay Jean, u try chop for my posts tomo okay? Sweet dreams! :)
Jean! U and M both pink heart!! Suitable gitu yay! :)
R writes abut politics at Turn U On? Btw, so cute la TUOff and TUOn! :)
we had pizza at La Gourmet House, mariuca! :-D
Debbs! Can wear dark colours to camouflage mah!!!
Tu la hehehe but if got money, semua pun lawa, GP. :):):) Come we design baju jenama Mariuca lol!!
Ala Marzie, wearing a dress makes me feel like aunty2 lol!! I don't mind wearing baju kurung, though. Dunno why. Hehe
waiting to be one of the millionaires, mariuca!! :-D
of coz too expense for me too mariuca...coz we have to convert to ringgit mah....lol..maybe 1000 PBs oso not enuff..hahahhahha
yeah I also love colorful dresses!!!
hahahhah no la Debbs...he's very busy with his work actually....some more hv to cook... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice ke the pizza there Mon? Is it the one at the curve??
Ha ha ha ha baju jenama Mariuca sounds adorable Debbs! :)
Ha ha ha ha mcm aunty2 Debbs? Hmmmmmm takpe, just dress how u feel comfy kan? Mcm I, work in pajamas hehehehhehehhe!
Don forget me when u become a millionaire Mon!
OF COZ Mariuca!!!! what do u want.....a star? a moon? ;-)
Ha ha ha ha I think 1000 PBs almost sufficient to cover the price, but the PBs have to be 10 bucks each la LOL!
Ha ha ah ah to R having to cook lol!!!
OMG I can't believe I am reading Kim Kardashian's blog lol!!!
Hehe comfy for me is in jeans and baby tee when I go out. Look young hehehe...
I wan a FALLING STAR of coz Monica!!!!
who's that, Debbs?
Best ke blog Kim K???
I watch the show on tv sometimes Debbs!
AIya u mmg young la Debbs aka Phatelara!!!
Debbs! Come chop at WOAFS if u wan sweetie! **post!
Poor dear!
You should have the right to turn off, specially after not sleeping for 24 hours....hard copyright life!
Under this conditions I wouldn´t produce much...
Good rest Marzie. Will be back as soon as possible.
Who's who, Mon? Lol!!
Oh Kim Kardashian, Mon. Reality tv star and socialite. :):) Very pretty oso.
I've never watched the show but best la her blog. Somehow am not convinced that she has time to blog, but nice la, got fashion and makeup tips, etc.
Hehehe I have to hangout with youngsters like Ane and Shem and Dhiya, baru can feel younger lol!!!
I chopped yay!! Thanks Marzie! :)
Oh thanks Mize!!! I was so sleepy while writing this post, so right after I got my client’s green light, I went to zzzz and didn’t wake up until B came home from work!!! Ha hah a! :)
lol Debbs! just now u said u 're reading someone's blog or something? :-D
I oso not convinced she got time to blog la, maybe she hires a ghost writer to write her blog he he!
That’s cause u are the same age as them la Debbs, so satu geng! I ni takde geng!!!! Who wants to be in my geng? He eh ehe!
ohhok Debbs! hahhahahha....
Reality tv star also got time to blog? :-D
YAY, welcome Debbs! :)
yes the one at the curve, mariuca!!! not bad la the pizza....yum yum!!!
The other day I went to thai express, but so far never tried la gourmet, must entice B to go there and try the pizza now!
hahhahahahha ghost writer?!!
Yala Marzie, she actually sounds so nice on her blog hehehe
Alahai we geng what, GP? Manada panggil u kakak? Lol!!!
Yeah la, ghost writer writes her post for her, he he! I mean if she’s too busy to blog la, cause she’s rich mah, so can hire ghost writer! :)
There’s like 3 of them kan Debbs, I mean sisters?
Oh no the big K word lol!!! U all la geng 20an!!! :’(
I'd buy the dress Mariuca..I think you would look gorgeous in it 8-) 8-)
Recent blog post: Portrait of Olivia
Yes Marzie, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney.
Marzie! C say he geng you what, 30s hehehe...
Wow Kim, ur so lucky to be able to afford this lovely dress! I do like this one Kim, love how the diff colours come together so beautifully! :)
He he eh he he he bagus la C!!! YAY, C is in MY gang!! Sape lagi? Hahahahahha!
The plump sister is which one Kourtney ke? I saw the ep where the youngest sister kena mainkayu tiga by the BF and she wanted to dump him! Then didn watch the next ep! ;)
Lol!!! Ramai tu your geng, Marzie. :):)
Ntahla, I dunno which one is Kourtney and which is Khloe.
Ha ha ha mana ada ramai, C and me je so far LOL!!!!
I only know Kim! ;)
Takpe, C cakap LJ bleh masuk...extended 5 years lol!! Jahat C..hahaha
I love dresses with empire waistlines! But haiyoh I malu lah wear sleeveless baju. Hehehehe
Recent blog post: Regatta Lepa*
I would say that you worked hard for your money and if you really want the dress you should get it. If me pula I would splurge on a vacation. Hehehehe :-P
Recent blog post: Regatta Lepa*
hahaha.. yalar, for sure if we OKB, our stuff will all be branded. lol! :-D
Hey Debbs, Khloe is the big amazon looking sister, and Kourtney is the small
one that looks kinda like Kim.. LOL
Ane! You're my reality tv expert! Thanks for the info babe! :):):)
LOL, marzie.. am overweight la! :* :*
i'm definitely sure am not sexy... you are the cutie pie one ;) ;) ;)
LOL Debbs, thanks a lot! :-D I watch a lot of tv, can you tell how much of a
couch potato I am? LOL! :-D
OMG Debbs, remember a few nights ago when I asked you to help me with CL
over TF and I made a comment that I watched the video tutorial and I find
the guy's voice soo sexy? Well, turns out it was Andy's voice and then he
answered my ticket at CL and he said he saw me tweeting about it, OMG, so
embarrassing!! LOL
Yay Debbs! You ladies don't seem that old anyway, I have sooo much fun
hanging out with you! :)
Is it really her blog Debbs?
Mon, your bf's blog is TurnUOn right? Awesome! I think I checked out that
site before, I saw it on your blog list.. :) and I knew it had to be your
bf's.. :)
I wish I am a millionairs.. i am wishing on your falling star now MArzie, so
I hope it'll come true.. :-D
*millionaire.. hehe typo!
CL still not working on my site Marzie, I don't know why.. you know at your
site there's a check box before the smileys that says CommentLuv Enabled, I
don't have that over at LATM.. :(
I should take my own advice and take a break from GG too , eh Marzie, and
focus on doing my PB's! LOL
must do more PB's to be a step closer to our millions Marzie! :-D
Yes Marzie, also, ever notice how bills tend to arrive at the same time? all
of them at once? It's so weird! how can you save if you have to pay bills
all at the same time right? *sigh
Why don't you wear dresses Debbs?
Ane! I don't have a tv, that's why I'm in front of my pc all the time lol!! I love those pointless MTV/Channel V reality shows...shhhh
It was Andy's voice??? WOW!! What did he say???
Awww Ane, what a nice thing to know right after I wake up yay!! I love hanging out with you ladies too! :):)
It's just her official blog, Ane.
Oh Ane, have you started on GG season 2? I watched ep 20 yesterday. :)
Because I look F-er in a dress, Ane!! I might look like a Yaya lol!
LOL I love them too Debbs.. :-D LOL what reality tv shows do you usually
Oh, Debbs, I don't think you're going to look like a yaya!
Yes debbs, but am still on episode 4, I felt so tired from watching that I
went to sleep.. :-D LOL
is it really hers?
:* :* :* :*
:* :* :* :*
:* :* :* :*
He said he checked out my site himself because he saw me tweeting about my
problem with CL!! OMG Debbs, I swear I probably turned red when I read it!
cause I remembered telling you how sexy I thought the voice was.. LOL How
embarrassing! :-D
Well, I used to watch Laguna Beach lol!! *guilty pleasure* I can't remember the others, though. I haven't been watching tv at all, Ane.
Lol Ane! I think I look better in my jeans and tee than in a dress lol! :)
Take it slow, Ane. GG has that effect on me too, once you start, you can't stop! But I feel that season 2 is getting boring. And I really hate Blair attitude sometimes.
Oh Ane, he is CUTE too! Lol!!! And sweet right, for doing that? Lol!!! He has the bluest eyes!!
I know Debbs! :-D and don't forget his sexy british accent! LOL but how embarrassing that he saw that tweet! LOL :-D :-D :-D
Lol!! Now we have to be careful not to bitch about js-kit on Twitter lol!
I know Debbs, guys with sexy accents might be reading our tweets.. LOL
Haha Debbs, totally, I can understand, i can't stop watching GG, I need to
know what happens..
I still love Blair even if she acts like she doesn't care about Chuck when
she clearly does.. :-D
and what about Chuck? I hate that he can't commit to Blair!
I think you'd look great in a dress Debbs, it's just a matter of looking for
the right dress.. :)
I didn't watch Laguna Beach Debbs, but I have heard of it.. I'm more likely
to watch The Simple Life and shows like that.. :-D Oooh, but I love Top
Design, Project Runway and Kitchen Nightmares.. :-D
I bet he was amused, reading our comments, Ane. Lol!!
Ah Chuck and his issues! It's hard being the only child and having a dad like his and no mom, poor Chuck. Chuck is just scared that Blair might crush his heart. ;)
Lol!!! Thanks for having faith that I'd look good in a dress, Ane. :):) Maybe one day I will wear one lol!!
I know right, Debbs.. LOL
I enjoyed Kimora's show, ANTM, and what was it called, Rockstar INXS? I watched the Baker show or something like that, it's like Nick and Jessica's Newlyweds, I think. I would love to watch The Osbournes lol!!
I know Debbs! I wish one of them would just give in and take a risk already!
I soo want Blair and Chuck to be together!! :-D
You really should Debbs, I'm sure you're going to work that dress! :-D
I watch Kimora's show too! LOL Yay to reality shows! :-D
Yeah, they have the chemistry, right? Feel like slapping them silly lol!!!
Me too ane! Kimora!
Me too! want to slap them silly! I still hate Jenny though! She's such a
social climbing biatch!!
Debbs kalau u pakai dress, nak tgk gambar!
Oh JD!!!! ROckstar best!!!
I like to be rick like Kimora Marzie! :-D
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!