I really want to sleep right now, but I can't! You see, I am currently on standby for one of my regular clients. And when you do work for a huge established advertising agency, it is hard to say no to them. Being on standby basically means I have to be available just in case my client needs me to do more changes and editing to the very important job they are working on at the moment.
As their copywriter and translator, it is up to me to ensure everything (copy wise) is in order. I am expected to continue making the necessary changes if required, until the job is finalized and sent for printing. Until then, I am on call as and when my client needs me. Sounds harrowing right? Especially when I have not slept for the past 24 hours. I am already used to these standby sessions but still, it doesn't get any easier especially when I am feeling as sleepy as I am right now!

While waiting for my client to revert, I decided to surf the Net of course. I mean, what else is there to do while waiting? So I came across this lovely Anna Sui dress; what do you think? This multicoloured cotton printed bandeau dress is made from 100% cotton. Designed with a boned bodice with pleat and button detailing through the front, this dress is perfect for summer, which is practically every day here in sunny Malaysia. Sporting an empire waistline and a side zip to fasten, it also comes with removable straps.

All this surely sounds good if you're a fan of fashion, specifically Anna Sui. The only thing you have to worry about is remembering to dry clean the dress rather than using the washing machine. Also it is quite pricey if you ask me, but then again it is a designer outfit, so you're also paying for the ultimate luxury of a famous brand name and not just the dress! Would you buy this dress for £348.26?

«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 441 of 441 Newer› Newest»debbs, i think it depends on individual la. AV has been good to me so far! :)
AV hates me Jean! Ignoring my emails like nobody’s business, my conclusion – AV is not interested. :(
really ar debbs! don't you think that it is romantic to walk down the aisle, towards yr love who is waiting at the other end? hehe.. since we're into this topic, how are you planning yr wedding? the tradisional way? :)
:( i've checked, debbs! im no more Glitter Gal. :(
hahahaha.. mmg, debbs! so mengada-ngada la those ANTM girls! :)
Hugsy debbs!! :)
Nobody is glitter gal anymore Jean, so now u angry or not with NN? ;)
lol, debbs! i've seen yr pic but i dun think you like like aunty2 la! Maybe it's just you.
oh no!!! pls ladies, dun jelesi la. Skinny winny is not all good. Believe me, we have our difficult moments too! :)
thanks for the link, debbs! i'll check out the kardashian sisters now! :)
yes, debbs! i am 27 this year! so i shall call you te debbs lor! hehe
LOL!!! Still jelesi of Jean being SW ha ha! Difficult moments it seems! ;)
im sry to hear abt yr encounter wt AV, marzie! *HUGZ* for u, k! and lots of love!!! :)
*blush* aiyuh.. really la, marzie! difficult moments. plus, most guys love women wt some flesh u know. Lucky me that I already got M! if not, susah i wan to find my other half. :)
Thanks for the hugs Jean, don care la abt AV, wan to concentrate on other better programs Jean!
Susah wan to find other half cause SW it seems! Kamon Jean hahahahhaha, for that ud better eat that yummy soto for me today LOL!
I am, I am , marzie! but malas to do anything wt NN yet! :/
haha, that's the spirit, woman! i see you have a bright future wt pos berbayar! All the best, marzie! :)
aww.. yummy soto!! i wan!!! i can eat two bowl in a row, marzie! both also till the last drop!!! yummmmm!!!! u heading for any soto today?
LOL! Me too malas cause got 24 ringgit pending. So wait first until rm50 then withdraw and terus bye bye to NN perhaps. Seriously wasting space only. ;)
He he me busy with PB lately Jean, must take advantage of my situasi while I can right?
Mmmmmmm nice right that soto in ur pic? Oh now I feel like making soto Jean but no ingredients lol!
what which one, debbs? Laguna beach? is it a show?
Hellooooooooo Jean! of coz I missed you!!!! :* :* :* :* :* :*
lol, marzie! haha, let's wait together-gether la like this. When we reach payout, NN will get it frm us. lol! :D
lol monica!! wow, so many kisses from mon!! you've just brigthen up my thursday, dear! :* just wait till im done wt my works, k! i'll start visiting TUO again, k! Hv a lovely thurday! :)
LOL to NN getting it from us Jean!!! Ha ha ha! Yeah la padan muka NN!
okok ladies, i admit being SW is good when it comes to eating. I admit i can eat whatever i want and not to worry about what will happen after that. But i think that's the good lor about being SW. The rest is not so good.
lol debbs!!! tend to stick around your butt it seems!! so cute!! :)
LOL Jean!!!! That is what we want la, eat away like nobody’s business and yet be SW without having to worry abt anything else hahahhaha! You are the lucky one Jean!
debbs, i visited kim's blog the other day when i recieved yr link. but i dun think she wrote all those la. What u think?
mon, 60 ok mah, comparing to mine 40 something after about 2 years of NN. :(
haha, ANe, i love empire cut and it's the only style that suits me. for that, all my dresses are empire cuts. lol! :D
40 after 2 years Jean? Boleh Blah la NN!
oh marzie, if i am a millionaire, my wardrobe will be full of designer clothes. haha!
no debbs!!! must wear a wedding gown! it's only once in yr whole life, u know!! :)
LOL! Yeah la wedding gown is like a must and true, once in a lifetime only Debbs h he! I oso wore wedding gown mah lol!!!
I don't know, Jean. I watched Kim's show and she doesn't seem like someone who's spoil her manicure every day by typing on her computer lol!! But then again, she has the money to pay people to write. :)
Aiya, who's going to pay for my wedding gown then, Jean? Lol!!!
Wait for you to be a billionaire la, then can sponsor my wedding gown and the works, eh Marzie? Lol!!!
hi ane! i am fine! i miss u too!! :* i am trying to clear off my inbox first before starting to posting & visiting. :) Hv a nice day, k! :)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!