Unlike most girls who just can't get enough of handbags, I find myself more drawn to perfume purchases. Don't get me wrong for I do love handbag shopping once in a while. I usually buy handbags when I feel the need for one so it's more of a practical purchase for me rather than a luxury buy.

Let's say I have to choose one out of the two items you see below. First is a lovely Miss Martini striped flap Dolce & Gabbana handbag. Though not an avid bag collector, I do need a new one and this one comes in classic black, which makes it perfect. The last nice new handbag I bought was the COACH bag in Bandung and that was last year so a cool new handbag sounds tempting right now!

On the other hand, we have the mesmerizing bottle of Luscious Pink Mariah Carey perfume. Not only is Mariah my favourite diva, but she now owns her own range of signature perfumes by Elizabeth Arden! Having your own scent is the ultimate form of divadom I'd say and this just makes owning a bottle of Mariah's magical scent all the more necessary! I mean what kind of a Mariah or perfume fan would I be if I did NOT have this scent-sational scent here at Mariuca's Perfume Gallery right?

So you see, it's all about perfumes with me. I don't know what it is about perfumes, but adding a new bottle to my already expansive perfume collection seems to make me smile wider than having a new practical handbag which I actually need! 
Hmmm, all this perfume talk makes me want to go on another perfume shopping spree! How appropriate that B and I made plans to go shopping tomorrow. Wonder what's in store for me at my favourite perfume counter, I can't wait!

Hmmm, all this perfume talk makes me want to go on another perfume shopping spree! How appropriate that B and I made plans to go shopping tomorrow. Wonder what's in store for me at my favourite perfume counter, I can't wait!

«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»:-$ :-$
:-$ :-$ Yihaa I got it I got it
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover : 29 - Flitting through Canadian Fiction
Handbag for me please. and this handbag is sooo gorgeous!!!
Recent blog post: Blog Makeover : 29 - Flitting through Canadian Fiction
>:o >:o >:o
:'( :'( :'(
hiya Mon!!
long time no see sweetie!!
LJ!! :* :* congrats!
:-$ :-$ LJ!
Congrats LJ, now 2 points together with Ane and Mon!! :-D :-D :*
:-$ :-$ mariuca!
haha yeah long time no see LJ!!!! still very busy eh?
:'( :'( :'( am busy tweaking my post.. :'( :'( :'( missed a point where I needed it most!
Recent blog post: Friday Fill Ins Over at ANE**
I want both; handbag and perfume!! lol :-D :-D
hi Ane! :) :)
enjoy your shopping tomorrow mariuca!! 8-) 8-)
I want both :)
Recent blog post: Our Easter Sunday
Congrats LJ.. I could never beat LJ and Monica :)
Recent blog post: Our Easter Sunday
Hi Beth!! ;-)
Marzie! I am not fan of handbag so I'd go for perfume lol! :):):)
morning marzie! :* :* :*
i love the D&G handbag!! :* :*
oh, the MC perfume is absolutely lovely! :) M pun suka altho' we tak berapa like MC already. :)
Good morning Jean!:):) Long time la never chat with you! :)
Happy Shopping, dear! 8-) :-D
morning debbs! yeah, it has been a long time! i wanted to online last few days but tak jadi. M played RE with his brother till early morning at his parent's. So when we got back, i pun sudah letih. :-P
Sry that i havent been visiting! :* :*
:-$ :-$ Monica!!
After I published, straight away went to watch DVD la Mon, then terus zzzzzz oh no! 8-) 8-) ;) ;)
Morning Beth! Ha ha of coz got hope to beat LJ and Mon here, although they are both so speedy nowadays! Go ladies Go!! :* :* :* :-D :-D
Aloha Jean!!! :* :* :*
This one is 200 bucks Jean, oh so expense need more PB to buy the bag! :-$ :-$ =-O =-O :* :*
Jean!!! I don care la I wan to look for the perfume today he hehe! The purple bottle smells like cotton candy it seems!!! Oh so enticed!!!!! =-O =-O :-D :-D :-D :-$ :-$ :-[ :-[
Jean!!! How come u and M don really like MC now????????? =-O =-O =-O :'( :'(
Tenkiu woman, after this gonna get ready and go One Uts I think! Want to go Marks n Spencer oso! =-X =-X :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
Jean, so nice to see u back la woman, missed u!!! *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :* :* :*
I had a feeling ud choose the bagasi LJ! Speaking of which, dah dapat ke belum the one u wanted from Aussie?????? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW* :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
:* :* :* Monica!!!
Hugs and scented tissue for Mon today! :* :* :*
Busy bumbles la LadyJava! Hugs! :* :* :*
:'( :'( :'( Missed the chop at ur blog Ane! But it's nice to see you here today sweetie! ;) ;) :* :* :*
He he he both sounds good Mon, it's ok to be tamak haloba sometimes ROTFLMAO!!! =-O =-X :-[ :-[ :-$ :-$ :-$ 8-) 8-)
I will Mon, esp since my hotel vakasi tak jadi this weekend, watch me shop away to make up for it hahahahhaha! =-O =-O :-$ :-$ :-$
YAY! Beth oso wants both ha hah, wait for me to become a millionaire kay? Then I'll buy for u both he he he!!! :) :) ;) ;) :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$
YAY! Debbs wants the parfum, which I love la Debbs! Must find the minis to add to my gallery, so happy! =-X =-X :-[ :-[ :-$ :-$ :* :* :* :*
I'm not really a bag collector too, but I have lots of them and I rarely get to use them because the only bag I use now is a baby bag to carry Lucas' stuff.. But this bag looks oh so nice.. :-P
Recent blog post: Queen Ane*
Yeah Ane, I think moms would carry baby bags more than just the handbag eh? I kinda like this bag too Ane, it’s 200 bucks! $$$$$
am also not a perfume collector, but I have a few signature scents of course, cause am a girl, and I only buy scents that I really really like, like my Acqua Di Gio by Armani, Gap Dream and Pleasures by Estee Lauder are my top 3 fave scents.. :-D :-D
Recent blog post: Queen Ane*
I am however a shoe collector, and I have over a hundred pairs of shoes.. :-D :-D :-D so if you make me choose, shoes, bag or perfume, I'd choose shoes! :-D :-P :-P
Recent blog post: Queen Ane*
How does MC's scent smell? like fruity or musky? *DONT_KNOW* *DONT_KNOW*
Recent blog post: Queen Ane*
Am so sorry about posting so late Marzie, I was a bit distracted by my HP
audio books! :-D but don't worry, am going to have a post out before 5 pm
today.. :-D
YAY! I love Acqua and Pleasures and both are in my collection Ane, awesome picks! http://www.mariucasperfume.com/2007/08/perfect-birthday-scent.html
200 bucks! :-0 Expensive!
Really Marzie? Yay! :-D Acqua is my ultimate fave though! :-D
He he he shoes!!! I knew u’d have to be some sort of collector so shoes it is lol! :)
Def fruity Ane! Yum! :)
Hi Jean, it's okay! :) I know you're busy and all. What game is RE ah?
Oh no!!! Better stalk u now Ane!!!! Im going out soon but I hope I make the chop!!!
Very purrty the bottle, Marzie! Got pink butterfly gitu! of course la must add to your koleksi, yes?
OMG Ane!! You're so much like Yenny my bff! She has tonnes of shoes, fair number of bags and lesser number of perfumes lol!!!
LOL.. yeah, shoes are my thing Marzie.. B keeps complaining that I have way
too many and that I am invading his space.. LOL
Ooh, when you get it, don't forget to blog about it, and then I might
consider buying one based on your recommendation.. :)
Oh I have so many ultimate faves Ane lol but I heart Acqua, love the bottle too! :)
okay, am working on it real fast now.. LOL
over at ANE okay Marzier, don't go stalking the wrong blog.. :-D
then tonight chop at LATM.. :-D
I agree with Debbs, so cute the bottle! :)
LOL really Debbs? Yenny and I should meet too then.. :)
Lol @ Marzier! Lol!! :):):)
I was stalking the wrong blog Ane, hahahahaha!!! Ok ok! ;)
For MM u mean Ane???
Go Ane Go he he!
Definitely Ane! :)
B thinks I have too many perfumes he he!
Yenny needs to buy more perfumes la Debbs lol!
Debbs!! I lovvvveeeeeee the bottle and yes to the butterfly!!! I can’t wait la, wonder how much….
LOL thanks for understanding my need to have this in my koleksi Debbs!!
Umm, no Marzie, am gonna do a PB before my MM.. :) chop for points.. :)
Of coz will chop for points Ane and for MM too!!!
Oh no Ane, think I’m going to miss the chop! Have to mangi now!!! Ask Debbs what is mangi he he!!!!
B calling me edi lol!!
Huhuhuhu to missing ur chop, later sweetie!
Yeah Ane! There was one time, she managed to persuade me to buy a pair of heels that I haven't even worn yet! Lol!!
Hehehe Marzie! Yenny would be very happy if she hears anyone supporting her shopaholicness! Lol!!!
come on over to ANE Marzie! :)
LOL, how come you haven't worn it Debbs?
mangi is go?
Oh Marzie! I found one mini Luscious Pink on Ebay for $15.99 plus FREE SHIPPING to Malaysia!! :):):)
Lol mangi=mandi=shower! ;)
Of course I understand, Marzie! I would be feeling super excited if I collect parfum too! :):)
Aiyoooo free shipping lagi, apa link? ;)
Because it was meant to be worn for a wedding, but I didn't go because it was C's friend's wedding adn C had to work last minute! Lol!!!
Oh Okay, i thought you left already? :)
Ane! Mangi is a word invented by LJ! Ma comes from Mandi, Ngi comes from Wangi. Mandi = Bathe/shower, Wangi = smells nice or pleasant.
So MANGI means bathe/shower to smell nice lol!!! You can say, "I mangi already!" Lol!!
Oh I see! LOL.. you haven't tried wearing it? can't it be worn casually? is
it strictly a formal shoe?
I have several shoes too, buy but never use lol! Dunno why, no okasi to wear mah lol!
Waiting for B now Ane lol!!!
It can be worn casually, Ane, but I don't like to wear anything fancy when I go out lol!!! I am so not ladylike hehehe
Thanks Debbs, ok ladies, going out for real now see ya!!! :)
Have fun, Marzie! :):):)
ooh I see! Thanks Debbs! :-D another round of words I can add to my ever
growing Malay vocabulary! :-D Yay! :)
Yay! :-D I don't mangi yet! LOL
It actually doesn't exist in proper Malay, but it sounds cute! :):)
Lol! I mangi early today hehehe....
LOL Debbs, I too have days when I don't feel like wearing anything fancy..
See yah later Marzie! :-D :* have fun! :) :* :*
kinda like slang eh, Debbs?
I will have to mangi in a bit, but too lazy.. LOL! :-D
It's funny that I write about trend and fashion on Hot Celebs but I am the least fashionable person I know lol!!!
LJ's slang, Ane! :)
If it's cold there, you won't stink easily Ane! It's too warm here and you get all sweaty and stuff. I showered more than 3 times yesterday!
Marzie!!! :* :* :*
wah, so expense lar!! i need more makeover to buy this then! :-$ PB sudah nak dapat lar. AGP now still PR0. I dunno what to do lar. TGB pun ada PR3. *sigh* dunno who i can seek help from. what u think, marzie? what hv i missed?
hahaha...yes, marzie!! i love lar that perfume!! :) so, did u managed to get it this afternoon? :)
coz MC is becoming more 'sluttty', sry to say that! but we adore her when she first made her appearance. No doubt her voice is beautiful! :)
oh, M & I love M&S!!! got the gummy sweets that we love. haha! :-D
i missed u too, marzie!! so good to be back!!! yeehaa!!! :-D :* :* :*
haha.. i love buying handbags, marzie, ane! Even tho' i have a shelf of them but it's nvr enough for me. Sometimes, i complaint i dun hv any handbag to go with my certain dress, M will scold me. And I will always say he dun understand. lolZ!Z oh, i even hv a big bag to put chloe's stuff when i go out with her. hehe :-D
i love this handbag too, ladies! :)
hi ane! i love pleasures by EL too!! one of my early perfumes! :)
wow, ane!! hundred pairs of shoes?? unbelievable!! :-O I only hv tonnes of them! :-P
debbs, RE is Resident Evil. M would play RE 4 on wii with his elder brother and RE 5 on ps3 with his younger brother. It's really exciting u know wathcing them playing, and i would shout, scream and jump in excitement. lol! not bad lar this game! :)
lol Ane! same here. I wanted to clear another shelf for my handbag but M say no, coz he wants to put his things there too. So i have to keep those that I seldom use in a box and kept it above my wardrobe. :-P
Ane, are you talking abt MC perfume? you can buy this one lar! it smells really good!! I love!! :)
Acqua? How much per bottle, marzie? the small one abt 30ml punya?
wow, Ane you're doing PB!! :-$ envy la me! coz i dun hv any PB to do.
i wan to chop too, ladies!! hopefully i'll be home by then!! :)
Oh okay Jean! RE is a great game! Pretty scary also right, with all the zombies??? Hehehe I think M will have to go out of the house if we play RE cuz we will surely scream a lot sbb terkejut! Lol!!!
haha, mmg debbs!! eh, u know RE too? btw, did u watch RE4 movie? nice kan? yesterday baru ada replay kat astro. and after watching the movie, they played the RE game. lol! :-D
Hi Jean, picking my songs for MM now, come chop later lol! :)
Jean, am sure TGB will get lots of PB now that she’s a PR3!!!
Ohhhh ha ha ha more slutty eh? That’s mah Diva!!! :)
YAY, welcome back Jean!
We ladies selalu kena scold from our guys for over shopping stuff he he he!
Nice handbag eh Jean? :)
Jean, not sure how much but def RM100+! ;)
Jean, I dunno la cause MPG oso still 0, so depressi! But congrats to TGB woot!!! :)
Jean, I went to metrojaya at the curve, don have la elizabeth arden counter there!!!!! But B got himself a perfume lolz! ;)
I've never played the game, Jean. The movies are good, though. I love Mila Jovovich! :):):) Patutla the guys syiok wanna play the game hehehe...
Jean! The other day we bought pandan layer cake from ur bakery, the one in subang ss15! Twice oredi we bought from there, nice la! :)
Hey Mon! :) :*
hehe, ok, marzie! MPG rite! :)
hope so, marzie! ;)
hahaha.. :-D
thanks, marzie!! :)
hahaha.. true, marzie!! lol! but we love having them around to remind us of our last purchase, rite! ;) :-D
oh ok!! 100++ is okay for perfume! as long as it is not more than 200. :)
Am working on both Jean, hopefully sempat by midnight! Oh no pressure he he!!!
hmmmm... im also hairan lar why MPG still 0. *sigh* must be something lar! i'll try to fins out, and if i know, i'll let u know so that we two pinkies can get back our deserved PR together-gether! :)
thanks for cheering for TGB! :)
hahaha.. the wife cannot find what she wants, but the hubby bought something. So cute lar!! what perfume B use?
hahaha... i love mila too, debbs!! but the game dun hv mila, it's a guy character. hehe. :-D
wah, i love pandan layer cake..yumm!!! oh ok, good to know 'my' bakery sells yummy PL cake. :) You know, i made one PL cake for my future FIL last year. IT doesn't look that nice but tasted pretty good. :) Now, i dunno wer's the photo i took. :-P
Oh okay Jean! Lol funny la if M plays as a girl character lol!! :):)
hehe.. ok, marzie!! that way i wont be stalking at teh wrong blog! hehe... :)
hahaha.. yeah!! actually, i havent tell u teh whole picture yet. In RE4 game, there is only one character, so M play as the guy while his elder brother watch & giving commands where to go, hit & etc. Then in RE5 game, there are two characters; one guy & one girl. M's younger bro plays teh guy while M play teh girl. hehe, it's so funny to watch him as a girl character at first but we're used to watching it now! hehe
Wow menjadi is it ur pandan layer cake Jean???
Hehehe funny but cute la Jean! Must take picture of M playing as a girl in RE5 yay!! Lol!!
Yeah!!! He bought Davidoff, his classic fave, some more got promosi!!! I went home empty-handed he he!!!!
He he he Jean! U shld be stalking both blogs but start with WOAFS first lol!!! Still working on MPG but WOAFS almost done ha ha!!!!
haha.. not exactly marzie! i did not beat the sponge cake mixture properly, so it doesn't really fluff up. My future MIL say it's nice lar and she ate almost the whole cake. So supportive la she! :)
LOL!! k, debbs! will take for u if i rem next time, k! :)
great choice, B! M love that one too! :) hahaha.. pour u, woman! tak jadi buy anything! How about a can of iced BR wt a nice banana muffin to brighten up yr mood! Enjoy! :)
marzie!! woohoo!! i am yr 2nd FC!! :) lucky u are giving out two linkie love, if ot sure i'll be sad. hehe. thanks, woman!! :*
He he lucky ur not sad then tonight Jean!! Wait ah, sikit lagi my MPG one siap lol!
YAY my fave Jean, thanks sweetie! I got myself a caramel coffee ice blended at coffee bean though he he he!!!
Of coz la ur MIL so supportive, her future DIL is a great cook mah!
Jean, post is out!!
ok, marzie!!
It's warm here Debbs, but not enough to make you sweat.. :-D
I love RE too Ladies, but I only play it when B is around.. hehe even if
he's asleep beside me, that's okay, at least he's there.. :-D
I'm hoping for rain here, but my mom said it's been raining a lot in Sarawak, which isn't surprising considering it's raining there in the Phils too lol!!
Wow Ane! You're really a gamer, aren't you? Does B play games too? :):)
LOL Jean! B's the same with me when I tell him I don't have enough shoes and
he's like, what do you mean you don't have ENOUGH? and he'll be like you
should donate the ones you don't use that often, and am like, are you okay
man? No way am selling my shoes! LOL I guess it's a girl thing! :-D
Yay Jean! :-) it smells oh so nice right? :-D
Yeah Jean, I used to buy shoes every week, back when I didn't have kids.. :)
Really Jean? Okay, must save for it then.. :)
It's only now that am getting lots of PB's Jean, so yay! :-D
No he doesn't Debbs, he only knows how to play Tekken, that's it! LOL
Yes, am hoping for more rain Debbs! :-D
RE is awesome on PS and PS2 Debbs! :-D This is one of my fave games!
Lol Ane!! C only plays poker and mostly puzzle games on my pc. He can't handle time management games, though. Anything FRENZY is a no-no for him lol!
Here if it rains too much, certain areas will get flooded, Ane. Even in KL!
Oh I suck at anything PS, Ane! My younger brother bullied me when we were playing some fighting game during Christmas lol!!
I’ve never played RE!
Debbs, the story line in the game is soo much better than the movie..
Personally, although I love Mila Jovovich, the movie was disappointing, it
didn't live up to the game at all..
haha C and B are alike when it comes to gaming! :-D LOL that's why he teases
me and calls me a geek.. :-D
That happens in Manila a lot too Debbs, because the drains are clogged with
garbage, that's why some areas have floods.. here more likely to have
landslides because we're on a mountain.. :-D
LOL! :-D I'm a gamer Debbs, name the game, chances are I've played it..
except for the PS3, and the wii, I don't have those consoles yet.. :-D
You should Marzie, it is awesome, and when you play it, make sure to turn up
the volume, for maximum funness! :-D I love the sudden appearances of
zombies, it's just an exciting kind of game!! :-D
Ane, I am easily entertained lol! That's why I liked the RE movies, even though they don't have strong storyline. I haven't played the game yet, but I bet it is really good. :):)
Well tell B, you're a hot geek, Ane. Lol!!!
Landslides happen here too, but in certain states. Scary, if you ask me because some highways are right beside hills.
My cousin has the PS3. Wii looks interesting, right? :):)
It is good Debbs, you should try to play it sometime! :-D
LOL! :-D a hot geek! :) Thanks Debbs! :-D
I know, wii looks interesting indeed! :) I want the PS3 Debbs, that's why
need to make a lot of $$$! :-D
oh yeah what happened to yr hotel vakasi hun?
The PS3 looks pretty cool, Ane! I don't know how much it is here, though. RM1500 perhaps?
hahahahah it's ok to be tamak but need extra :-$ :-$ :-$
Mon! have to postpone cause B couldn get leave on Monday! No hotel vakasi for me Mon! Not yet anyway. ;)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!