Unlike most girls who just can't get enough of handbags, I find myself more drawn to perfume purchases. Don't get me wrong for I do love handbag shopping once in a while. I usually buy handbags when I feel the need for one so it's more of a practical purchase for me rather than a luxury buy.

Let's say I have to choose one out of the two items you see below. First is a lovely Miss Martini striped flap Dolce & Gabbana handbag. Though not an avid bag collector, I do need a new one and this one comes in classic black, which makes it perfect. The last nice new handbag I bought was the COACH bag in Bandung and that was last year so a cool new handbag sounds tempting right now!

On the other hand, we have the mesmerizing bottle of Luscious Pink Mariah Carey perfume. Not only is Mariah my favourite diva, but she now owns her own range of signature perfumes by Elizabeth Arden! Having your own scent is the ultimate form of divadom I'd say and this just makes owning a bottle of Mariah's magical scent all the more necessary! I mean what kind of a Mariah or perfume fan would I be if I did NOT have this scent-sational scent here at Mariuca's Perfume Gallery right?

So you see, it's all about perfumes with me. I don't know what it is about perfumes, but adding a new bottle to my already expansive perfume collection seems to make me smile wider than having a new practical handbag which I actually need! 
Hmmm, all this perfume talk makes me want to go on another perfume shopping spree! How appropriate that B and I made plans to go shopping tomorrow. Wonder what's in store for me at my favourite perfume counter, I can't wait!

Hmmm, all this perfume talk makes me want to go on another perfume shopping spree! How appropriate that B and I made plans to go shopping tomorrow. Wonder what's in store for me at my favourite perfume counter, I can't wait!

«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 300 of 300 Newer› Newest»LOL! Tamak la me sometimes but don care, wan to be tamak oso he he!
Really Ane? I love all sorts of games but never tried RE. Will ask B if he knows what it’s all abt later tonight. :)
hahhahahah yeah what to do...girls must have all these stuff right?!
Of coz la! We don mean or wan to be tamak but what to do, the nice things all calling out to us right? Ha ha ha!!!
ohhhhic!! so u went shopping instead!! ;-)
Ha ha yeah!! I had my heart set on the MC perfume, but takde la at metrojaya. So didn buy perfume but B got himself one lol!
I like wan to give up edi la Jean, still 0 for us even tho our techno and alexa all pretty good kan? Some more here oso not many PB if u wan to get into that! :’(
Usually for 30ml bottles it’s 100+ jean, only some reaches up to 200+! I usually buy 100ml and of coz the miniature one for MPG yay! :)
lol!! you're so smart la, marzie! i think i want to put **post for my MM next week too! that way, more ppls will get chop! :) MM posts are so laku, u know! esp when LJ is speedy. If only *post, sure she chop all dah! lol! :-D
you're welcome, woman! wow, yr iced blended sounded more tempting la. i want!! :)
hehehe.. *blushing* thanks, marzie!!! :) :)
He he dats why la must have ** or *** MM posts, mmg laku Jean! Shemah os gives ** MM posts! ;)
Ha ha so nice la Jean, cause long time no visit CB, usually starbucks only. I oso bought the limited edisi CB straw, so cute!
I wanna give ** MM post...hehe!!
I wan to chop on ur ** MM post Mon!!
Jean's site also still 0???
wow, you play RE, Ane? I cannot hold the controller lar! too excited makes me jumping only. hehe, i love wtaching rather than playing. :)
sure! sure Mariuca! i'll buzz buzz u later la okay ;-)
lol ANe!!! it's so good that we can talk about our shoe things here without getting scold, rite Ane! It's def a girl's thing!!! :) :)
yup, Ane!! ;)
wow, new shoe every week!! how i wish i can do that!! :)
Hopefully Im not eating dinner or something like dat lol!
Yeah AGP and MPG still 0, lucky got pinky buddy together-gether 0 with me! :)
yeah!! esp shoes and handbags; i want MORE!!! :-D
YAY! Will wait for ur buzz buzz then Mon! :)
I saw a nice guess bag yesterday Mon! But don have lime green, it was lilac which I oso love btw! RM500 + la huhuhuhuh!
I like guess bag la mariuca!! wah RM500 +!! so exp huh... mine I got it when they've sales...
what abt before this? MPG also 0??
Hi mon, MPG was first a 4, then I did PB, and terus dropped to 2 and never recovered, then after change to my own domain, 0 until now! Sad or not for me?? :(
Expense la 500 ringgit, but nice la!
yes, Ane! it's gonna worth the money! :)
good for u, Ane!! :) :)
wow, Tekken!! u menat the fighting game, Ane?
Ane!!! RE is even Awesomer in PS3!! got two player u know! :)
and in wii also great! coz u have to shake the nunchuk to reload. so cool, more actions!! :)
oh mariuca, TUO was also 4 at first, and then dropped to 3 after I did PB!! I didn't know change to own domain also get 0!! >.<
LOL debbs!! M play poker too. He used to play poker game in FB everyday. so addictie lar! hehe! :)
lol debbs!! i love fighting game, debbs! like street figther those games. I am not an expert tho'. Just simply press butto lar. Sometimes, if lucky got super power out lar. lol! :)
Of coz la change to own domain 0 cause new url kan? So my techno, alexa all went back to 0 after the domain move, now slowly trying to recover but it’s taking ages for MPG! :(
Mon, WOAFS oso 4 at first, then 3 after PB! :(
hehe, marzie, if next time u buy PS3, buy RE5 game. Then can play with B! very exciting & fun!! :)
Ok jean, will ask B what he thinks of ps3! Now got ps2 only. ;)
but WOAFS also change to own domain and not 0...
aiyo I hope out RP will not drop anymore after PB!
Mon, it did go to 0!!! I had to build back my rankings from scratch! But WOAFS got back pr3 pretty soon after that move while MPG is still trailing behind, breaks my heart la! :’(
But if we don take PB while our PR is good, feel like sayang only to let go of the PB opps right? So hafta take! But if take, then PR might drop…dunno!!
oh, Ane, then hv u played Harvest Moon on ps2 before?
eh debbs, if u play the RE game first then pnly watch the movie, i think you'll find the storyline good. hehe :)
wii is so much fun, debbs! but it requires lots of enery! it's really a great family game console. :)
haha.. ok, good luck to u, Ane! when u buy PS3, rem buy RE5 game, k! :)
yes, it's around that price now, debbs! :)
That's right, mon! :)
exactly how i felt, marzie!! am really clueless as to why our PR still 0 despite all the good links & rank we hv. :( but am not going to give up just yet. Will try to find the culprit. Must be something la. Im here to cheer u up, marzie!! Let's fight this together-gether, k! :) :* :* :*
i buy the 30ml bottles, smaller the cuter sometimes. hehe. ok, 100+ good for me! :)
hehe, nvr thought of that yesterday. but dun worry, i'll hv a ***mm post next week!! woohoo!!
eh, marzie! what limited edition CB straw? i havent been to CB for a whilw now. The last was on feb. :)
So cute la the straw Jean, got a small ice blended cup at the top part of the straw, so when u’re drinking, it’s like u have another tiny ice blended on top! Must spend RM30 then can get it for RM3.50! :)
yes, mon! AGP still PR0. :( :(
haha, yeah, lucky got pinky buddy wt AGP!! :) :*
It costs about PHP20,000.. Quite expensive Debbs! :)
hehe, ok, marzie! ;)
It's about an experiment gone bad and turns people into zombies and you're
the character trying to get out of the city, solve puzzles and save the
world.. LOL RE is quite a good game Marzie, but a bit scary.. :)
haha.. u meant PR rite, mon! :)
what did i write Jean.....hahahhhahha.... yeah i meant PR :-D
aiyoyo.. makes me wanna buy the straw too!! so cute!! ok, i will try to get M buy it when we're at CB. when does it end, marzie?
great explanation, Ane! and it's really scary in RE5, Ane! more exciting!! :)
haha..u wrote RP, mon! :)
LOL u wrote RP, Monica!!!
I dunno Jean, cause pestaim I saw it yesterday so terus buy and used happily lol!!!
opps i wrote RP!?! okok hahahhhhahha.....
ok Jean! LOL!!!!
that's why la sayang only if to let go of the PB opps...of coz must take!!!
That’s why and then we take PB, Mr. G punishes us with low PR! :(
yeah i read someone's blog abt PR.... Mr.G will punish us with low PR if we take PB! aiyoooo...
Syok la fighting games, Jean. But the boys never kasi chan, how? Lol!! Can never win la if playing with them hehehe...
Ya meh, Jean? It's based on the game and not the other way round, right? So the game should be better than the movie? Hehehe..
Can exercise using wii, syok kan Jean?
Ooh, I can't wait to play RE5! :)
haha.. ok, nvm, marzie! at least now we know wer to buy the cheap refills. Save so much lar, kan! ;)
Yes I do play Jean, am a gamer.. :-P I love RE! :-D my fave is RE:Nemesis!
Right Jean! :-D LOL it is a girl thing! I think only girls can find
justifications for their vices.. :) ours just happen to be somewhat
expensive.. :-D
I USED to Jean, now that I have kids, am lucky if I can even manage to buy
at least 2 pairs in a month!
LOL MOn, me too, so can relate, can never have too many bags and shoes! for
me, it's definitely shoes! :) I want more shoes!! :-D
Yes Jean, the fighting game.. Tekken.. :) That's probably the only game B
can play.. LOL
Aww Jean! I soo want PS3 but can't have right now, must work for more $$ so
I can get it!! :) Come to me PB's!! :)
hahaha.. ok, Ane! i am sure you'll get enough of PBs to buy PS3 soon! Kambate, Ane!! :-D
yay!! a gamer ANe is!! what else do u play, Ane??
agreed, Ane! ;)
hahaha.. 2 pairs a month is alot too, Ane! i meant for the guys la. :)
Elizabeth Arden perfumes are great!
Mize! I really wanna get the MC perfume, am not a big EA fan but this one here I must have in my collection! :)
I hope so too Jean! I soo want a PS3! :-D what's kambate Jean?
hehehe I know Jean.. :-D
all sorts of games Jean.. :)
Yes I have played Harvest Moon Jean! :-D it's like Sims also! :)
Oh I will not forget to get RE5 Jean! :-D
then hv u play harvest moon, Ane? I love lar that game! :)
Yes I have played that game Jean! :-D I'm a game geek! LOL
Elizabeth arden perfumes are good. I love the scent! The bag looks pretty and elegant too.
yes, ANe! Except that HM is on farming and fishing. And we couldn't make our own home like the sims. Actually, i prefer the Dims better than HM but HM is what i play wt PS2. :) The guys are done playing wt RE4 last week, now left one chapter in RE5. I wonder what games can we play after this. :)
:) ok, Ane! rem to let me know when u've buy RE5, k! then we can talk about it!! haha.. and i can tell u some 'tips' to kill those monsters! ;)
Love n Hugs from Genie Princess!